So,why did we nerf AOE again ?

cuz GGG is mean lol

and EQ was way to fun with big AoE
I dont see any any key!
KB is like the best screen clearing skill in the game for packs, its absolutely amazing it also shotguns fantastically if you can park a boss against a wall and yes like everyones pointing out it is an area skill :p.

I really hope they don't nerf it, wanders are hard enough to gear as it is and KB is the only thing they've really got going for them.
peetrscz wrote:
I see two valid reasons:

1) I'd say performance reasons on server side. Projectiles don't cover nearly as wide area as, for example, blasphemy used to. Nor they hit nearly as many object as AoEs did before.

2) Speaking as player, it's quite deserved nerf. It made game rather boring, because everything that showed on screen died that very same second (quad curse covering whole screen was just ridiculous).

And? Projectile Based skills like KB and LA do the same without the need for Quadcurses LOL

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