[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

im guessing its any decent 4 link you can find for cheap on poe.trade
srry double posted
Last edited by notaloser3 on Dec 10, 2017, 1:40:23 PM
Would a Rain of Splinters benefit the two Frozen trail jewels at all? Its two extra projectiles, albeit 30%'ish less dmg.
I'm fairly new to PoE so maybe a dumbass question, also apologies for not going through the full +80 pages looking if its been asked already >.<

Why the heavy focus on staves in this build? And why not gone for the big heart of ice/breath of rime node?

Playing this as my abyss starter atm but want go without ancestral bond so I can cast some stuff myself. Maybe fix some of the single target issues this way with a high single target dmg spell. Any suggestions what might be useful to combo with 3 FB totems?

Thanx for all your guides, they have been invaluable as I have been trying this game out.


Mcbawbagg wrote:
I'm fairly new to PoE so maybe a dumbass question, also apologies for not going through the full +80 pages looking if its been asked already >.<

Why the heavy focus on staves in this build? And why not gone for the big heart of ice/breath of rime node?

Playing this as my abyss starter atm but want go without ancestral bond so I can cast some stuff myself. Maybe fix some of the single target issues this way with a high single target dmg spell. Any suggestions what might be useful to combo with 3 FB totems?

Thanx for all your guides, they have been invaluable as I have been trying this game out.



I would like to know about the staff focus as well.
I'm playing HC and have avoided going into staffs so far in favour of having a shield.
Can anyone share their experiences with this build in HC? I'm only lvl 67 atm and still fairly new to POE.
Started with this build for abyss. Pretty strong. Level 85 already and doing t8 maps with no problems.
Gear is all pretty mediocore but still handling all content quite well.

Current Gear

Also, in response to why staffs... I think it's because templar is within reach for crit nodes on the tree with staffs. It also helps block chance and is a way to generate power/end charges reliably without orb of storms.
Last edited by Pandiiii on Dec 11, 2017, 8:35:15 AM
what pantheon do you recommend?
He explains why you use a staff in the youtube video. Basically it has to do with getting enough critical strike.
Pretty good build, lvl 68 and just got my 4th totem with ascendancy. Doing good no gear at all yet
Tapsy68 wrote:
Hey Guys,
I don't really understand why we should put a "Controlled Destruction" Gem in our damage link setup. It reduces the Critical Strike chance of the supported gems by 100%.

Hope someone can help me out with that question, have a nice day

That doesnt mean you will never crit. Look at the Crit Chance for your Frostbolt Totem Setup in the Character Stats. He is balancing that out with the Orb of Storms setup by the way, which generates a Power Charge every time it crits, which subsequently raises your overall chance for a critical hit for a certain amount of time :) Plus, he is picking up the nodes for higher critical hit chance with Staffs. Thats why he uses Staffs instead of Wand/Shield probably :)
Last edited by LostSoul15 on Dec 11, 2017, 7:12:26 PM

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