[3.6 Video Guide] Beginner's Guide SRS Baron Life [HC/SC/Atziri/Uber Izaro/Shaper Viable]

Ashandaar wrote:
I Just killed the new acts with a standard char in three hours, bye poe. No new maps, already done shaper before so no point to come back... Add this the broken economy, this game is dead

So you blasted through the campaign with a bunch of twinked out gear on standard and are complaining there's not enough content for you?
Actually not tweaked items. Items from prophecy league, no mirrorred or anything
I simple respec my glad in dual wielding sunder... And i stormed everything. That's it. I'm not in paying 250 exa for a super cheated standard item that doesn't exist à.
Last edited by Ashandaar on Aug 8, 2017, 9:29:37 AM
Nadasdy wrote:
Cant really expect people to sit around for weeks and not buy the key build item if they can afford it. Ive farmed prolly 80 Close Helmets in Act3 Docks/Sewers and no luck on chancing it.

Well for me it's like paying a million dollars IRL for a Toyota. Sure, you can get it if you want for that price but wouldn't you just use that million for a car actually worth a million?

I love this game but the one thing that always makes me stop playing is the trading. Feels so unlucky to research through many builds for weeks before coming back to POE for this nonsense to happen. I mean I'm doing fine for now but it's always there on the back of my mind. I can't afford a few chaos helmet.

I wasn't too annoyed before because I was confident the prices would go down but now I'm not so sure. People are actually paying an amount that I have never even gotten playing in a season before. UGH... /vent off.
Is Worth taking Spirit Eater over Commander of Darkness since Spirit Eater gives a lot more dmg ( +40% ) and i have already capped resistances ( +95% each ) ?
Point id that many of those who are selling build Key items such à high Price also sell currencies for Real Money. That's why a 2 chaos helmet becomes a 10 exa helmet. And that's a game i'm not playing. Find me 10 exa on four days, this is laughable. And i have 45 exa left in standard so i know how to make some.
Ashandaar wrote:
Point id that many of those who are selling build Key items such à high Price also sell currencies for Real Money. That's why a 2 chaos helmet becomes a 10 exa helmet. And that's a game i'm not playing. Find me 10 exa on four days, this is laughable. And i have 45 exa left in standard so i know how to make some.

No, the reason this item is so expensive is because this current SRS build is extremely popular and this unique finally has a use, this happens every league when a specific build become popular. I havent really dumped alot of time into this league and 2 days of mapping I can already afford a Baron via drops + chaos recipe. This build is still extremely cheap, 3EX and your basically done.
Nadasdy wrote:
Ashandaar wrote:
Point id that many of those who are selling build Key items such à high Price also sell currencies for Real Money. That's why a 2 chaos helmet becomes a 10 exa helmet. And that's a game i'm not playing. Find me 10 exa on four days, this is laughable. And i have 45 exa left in standard so i know how to make some.

No, the reason this item is so expensive is because this current SRS build is extremely popular and this unique finally has a use, this happens every league when a specific build become popular. I havent really dumped alot of time into this league and 2 days of mapping I can already afford a Baron via drops + chaos recipe. This build is still extremely cheap, 3EX and your basically done.

Do you people actually get exalt drops or are you trading religiously? I have never gotten more than one exalt orb in a league before. I play semi casually.
Trading and usually drop 6 to 7 on a league. Playing a rough base of 20 hours à week

Only baron left, currently at 6500 hp at lvl 80 and have done up to tier 8 easily. Just need to get that overpriced helm now :D

P.S. I had a hell of a time figuring out skill slots without spending 2000 chromes for colors, if someone has better idea for my sockets, feel free to share.
Last edited by chancer on Aug 8, 2017, 10:49:30 AM

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