Anyone else watching DB Super?

I just started binging this series. Done with the second "boss fight"
Golden Frieza
My opinion of DBZ etc was that it is an utterly shit story with poor dialogue, but has amazing character design (Toriyama is a legend) and solid animation. It certainly seems as if narrative pacing is blatantly sacrificed in service of the supposed eye candy of muscle poses and reaction faces. As such, I always thought it was overrated garbage.

Dragon Ball Super, strangely, doesn't deviate from that formula, but I like it anyway. The difference is: the character design and animation are truly in a whole new league, and have this great synergy with each other. If they ran a spin-off titled "Beerus and Whis Take A Bite Outta This" on The Fucking Food Network I'd probably watch it. It's simply beautiful to watch he characters emote. Toyotaro is a genius.

However, I still don't think there's much there in terms of listening to it (or reading the subs, as I do). Oh, wow, Earth is gonna get destroyed again, yawn. I wouldn't pause the show to answer the phone; missing a word here or there isn't important enough.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Oct 11, 2017, 2:24:20 AM
Currently just past the baseball episode. While I'd agree the "Black Saga" shat all over anything DBZ ever did, I got this feeling that Zamus was a kind of Death Note derivative and didn't find the character all that interesting. Sincerely enjoyed the throwaway episodes with Hit the assassin (rogues are underrepresented in Dungeons and Dragonballs) and the Superhuman Water much more — spectator Vegeta was hilarious.

Will catch up with you all eventually.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Oct 15, 2017, 12:23:58 AM
I had forgotten about it until recently, I'm 20 episodes in right now, and it's a work of art. Dragon Ball as always been pure distilled shonen anime, but Super takes it up a notch.
My prediction how this will end

Jiren and goku will wreck each other up again, both will lose. Someone totally unexpected will take the win, and using the balls wish to restore all universes again, also zenohs are totally taken in by the fights, so they might change their mind easily as always, if it proves to be fun enough
Spreading salt since 2006
I had not watched Dragonball since the 90's and this summer due to an unbeleivable amount of free time(i am a music teacher - summer vacation) i rewatched the entire series and DB super and i have to say i am very impressed. DB super seems to be at least on par with Z for the most part, the humour is still there. The only thing i do not like is the Japanese voice actor(actress maybe?) for Goku, while i think the American counterpart is awasome. The current saga is awasome. I liked how it strayed from the usual Supervillain. I just hope they will abandon the Z norm(to an extent they have, individual fights are smaller) where Goku gets beaten to Pulp in a hopeless fight for 100 episodes before he powers up and destroys the enemy.
Ok, I'm all caught up now.

111 pissed me off from out-of-character beginning to character-out end. Sad times for fans of Dex classes and/or evil.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
鬼殺し wrote:
Weird, I really liked 111.
Frieza even pretending to care about paying off his debt to Goku was so painfully absurd that I was grumpy mere seconds in. While every other Hit fight has felt like a battle of wits where every little move matters, the fight with Jiren was full of gratuitous movement with no thought behind it. Then Jiren beats time because ??? and best character in whole series eliminated from tournament. Yeah, didn't like.

I liked Hit vs Dyspo and Frieza vs Frost. It's not that the tournament arc has sucked, just 111. Well, the love attacks of Universe 2 are obnoxious and beyond redundant by now, so those parts too.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Oct 17, 2017, 8:22:31 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
1. I thought the energy transference was a nice callback to what happened on Namek. Frieza obviously doesn't want to be erased so helping Goku and Co is still in his best interests.

2. Jiren is of course the big question mark but I'm sure that'll be revealed in time. Hit's sacrifice was a worthy attempt at containing that question mark and shows that Universe 6 is much more into teamwork than Universe 7.

3. Universe 2's style isn't obnoxious -- you're just not the target audience for that sort of thing. Dragonball Super has a fairly specific audience in mind, and part of it grew up with shoujo as much as shounen. By making the pretty soldiers pretty damn ugly DBSuper subverts quite a few tropes nicely.
1. None of what you say here is false, but you're dodging what annoyed me — the use of the concept of debt. Frieza would remember that moment on Namek as a humiliation, not a salvation; he would never feel he owes Goku for that or for anything. Frieza lending energy makes sense; Frieza pointing out the similarity to Namek makes sense; Frieza remembering Goku's behavior on Namek in a positive light makes zero sense. Perhaps my sub got the translation wrong, but if it's accurate then it's horrible writing.

2. Meh.

3. Something tells me you aren't a fan of the GamerGate-style "we don't want feminism putting ugly women in our boy stuff" argument. Plus, they're literally just reusing the same animations over and over.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Oct 17, 2017, 9:43:10 PM
鬼殺し wrote:

The real noodle-baker is when you realise Goku was never and likely never will be the main character of the entire saga. That honour goes to Bulma. Goku's just a brain-damaged bloodthirsty Saiyan who equates violence with friendship and causes more harm than good with this attitude. Bulma, on the other hand, starts her journey questing for the Dragon Balls in Dragon Ball episode 1, grows into the one woman who could domestic and humanise a *genuine* bloodthirsty Saiyan, gives birth to the Great Saviour From The Future And Easily The Coolest Character In All Dragon Ball and then becomes one of the richest women in the world...and THEN, because none of that was enough, she *fucking tames a God of Destruction*.

There's some headcanon in here. I wouldnt call Goku bloodthirsty (besides oozaru form which kami "fixed" by permanently removing goku's tail) and I dont think you can say in any way that goku did more harm than good. I havent watched super anime but just reading latest manga chapter for example, goku reminding Zen-oh(s?) about the tournament of power is what gave the universes a chance. Trunks being the coolest is ofc opinion.
Her being rich... well, unless im missing something, last I checked Bulma was still the daughter of Dr.Brief: the richest man on earth, a genius that made a fortune out of the most handy invention in DB world (capsules, kinda sad how you dont see much of them from Z and forth, but then again I guess that's understandable with the ridiculous power creep between series).
Also, you forgot she (well, at least alternate timeline bulma) built the time machine, that seems a tad bit important.
Bulma is definitely very important, especially in the original series since she's what drives the initial plot. Im not quite sure since its been ages, but I think her original wish was actually pretty stupid. I dont think its correct to call her the protagonist but she's definitely the deuteragonist, more pronounced in the original series I'd say, but her role is still important throughout the series.

With all this I just remembered something peculiar, I swear there is a secret immortal character in the series

How the hell is this cat still alive? he's older than many characters. Sure, Korin exists, but so does Roshi and Baba and their lifespan is not like other humans
Oh yes, goku is definitely very irresponsible. He means well but lacks some common sense, and his pure, naive nature has obvious negatives.
I'd say that like bulma, he's lucky. Both of their actions towards powerful characters could have very bad results. They are really very alike in that sense, their honesty in such interactions is their strong point, its what reaches others.

EDIT: after reading following posts, I'll refrain from commenting further until I get the time to watch the anime (or it appears in the manga) since there seems to be a lot im missing. Still, I would never say goku lacks empathy considering how many people he helped previously.
Last edited by Disrupted on Oct 18, 2017, 1:51:35 PM

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