There's nothing that tells you what Ascendancy you have

I don't see many people being against it though. Most just say that it isn't too hard to find out and not really a big issue.

I mean adding it on your Character sheet and on the ascendancy skilltree would be a good idea, but not something too important. It is really odd to forget which ascendancy you gave a character, exspecially since you have to forget it after logging in were the class is shown.

For me personally the thing is this... does it take a lot of time? No. Is it a huge improvement? No.

The issue I have is that there other small UI elements that need improvements far more. And while it hopefully isn't too hard to add a String with your Class in your character sheet (so you press C and you see your class), things like Flask effect visibility are so much more important.

And the thing is the aggressiveness someone complaint about is in the title. Because the claim that there is nothing that tells you your ascendancy is just plain out wrong. Each ascendancy has an individual image and your ascendancy is written directly when you log in.

So while it would be easy to put it behind your name this is not really the issue, the issue was the the claim is that it is not anywhere present, which it is. Of course you could make it look similar to the login screen where the class is written under your name or even if you look up your characters in the forum you have Name, Level & Class and in a third row the league (which is not necessary in the char sheet).
Emphasy wrote:
I don't see many people being against it though. Most just say that it isn't too hard to find out and not really a big issue.

I mean adding it on your Character sheet and on the ascendancy skilltree would be a good idea, but not something too important. It is really odd to forget which ascendancy you gave a character, especially since you have to forget it after logging in were the class is shown.

Exactly. It's not that I hate the idea itself, but what exactly is the point? There are several ways to see which Ascendancy you have, particularly, when logging in to the game or forming a party.

The reality is I just don't think this will be implemented any time soon. It's a trivial feature that doesn't really make a significant difference in gameplay.
Slicer9875 wrote:
what exactly is the point?

Why have our character name on our character sheet? We never whisper ourselves, you can see the name from the character select screen, and so on.

Why spend time rewriting the water engine? It's just water. Make it transparent, or just remove it entirely since it's not relevant to killing things or picking up loot.

Why have different character models wearing different 3d art items instead of just a uniform wireframe? It would show all the same information. Art just increases CPU cost.


It's not important except in the same way that every part of the game that isn't a skinner box is important.

Seeing a field filled in with "Class: X" gives a residual sense of completion after you complete a lab and can look at it at any time. People that grew up on RPGs see the character sheet as one part "what are my abilities?" and one part "what have I accomplished?".

It should be dirt-cheap to add -- certainly way cheaper than the amount of goodness they get out of it. I like this QoL suggestion way more than the massive amount of "QoL" game automation suggestions.
鬼殺し wrote:
Wow. Such a huge ongoing discussion for a simple QOL change.

I genuinely don't understand some of you. :)

that makes two of us. i guess this is a hot topic for some users here?
Last edited by kompaniet on May 27, 2017, 8:34:24 AM
kompaniet wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
Wow. Such a huge ongoing discussion for a simple QOL change.

I genuinely don't understand some of you. :)

that makes two of us. i guess this is a hot topic for some users here?

Hot topics look A LOT different :P

There is no doubt that it would be a reasonable addition to add to the char sheet and propably the small passive tree for your ascendancy. The thing is that you get information about your character class and it is more a thing about how it is presented (by pictures, instead of name) and were (before you login).

Seeing a field filled in with "Class: X" gives a residual sense of completion after you complete a lab and can look at it at any time. People that grew up on RPGs see the character sheet as one part "what are my abilities?" and one part "what have I accomplished?".

I mean, changing your char portrait after ascendancy already is a decent feel of accomplishment not sure you need to change it for every lab you finish, because you get the points, that is pretty much.

However having a char sheet provide all the information about your character is something I agree on and class kinda should be on there. But there are arguably other information missing (any summoner can agree on that) and they should maybe look into updating that whole thing at some point, because it is very old and might look better with a small change because there is so much text and numbers in there some people might just be overwhelmed by it.
Perq wrote:
Personal story most people won't be interested about

I have (legitimately) TERRIBLE memory. And I'm not talking lazy-tier terrible, but genetically terrible.
Unless I'm using something daily (like, say, days of the week) I will not remember it. And after I've stopped using the thing, I'll forget it quite quickly (depending on how important it was to me).
I have major struggle in remembering people names, even after working with them for few months (but not interacting with them too much when names are used). I cannot remember month in order. I can't tell you which month is 7 or 8. Both in my native language and English (I'm unsure if I can tell you all months in English, too). I sometimes struggle to tell whenever said month is cold or hot. Yes, it is that bad at times. Recently it got a little better, but I mostly forget things VERY quickly. :V

But yet, when I start doing something, I can recite it with smallest details. Not being able to remember class you picked is pretty weird to me.

This is much more interesting than the main topic.
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