Donald Trump and US politics

Surprise, surprise: Austin has a problem with the First Amendment. I'd assume the second as well. The "tolerant" left.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 18, 2017, 12:12:53 PM
Now Trump calls journalists "enemies of the American people".

Reminds me of some other seizure of power (again).

Meanwhile he´s having campaign like rallies, because he´s addicted to applause.
I don't disagree. I live in Germany at the moment, and here we have what's called an "ausweispflicht" - you are legally mandated to have some form of government ID. On the flip side, the government actually does a lot of work to ensure that you can get that ID free of charge and with minimal hassle. In Germany, we have voter ID laws, but it makes sense, because everyone has photo ID.

I have a new one also including my finger prints (optional ofc), that´s even safer.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst on Feb 18, 2017, 12:36:13 PM
Now Trump calls journalists "enemies of the American people".

Reminds me of some other seizure of power (again).

Meanwhile he´s having campaign like rallies, because he´s addicted to applause.

Its a white surpemacist takeover and attack on democracy and his followers are like sheep.
Now Trump calls journalists "enemies of the American people".

Actual journalists are not, but corporate media is definitely an enemy - of journalism and general public, since they mislead, lie, omit, fake...

Corporate media only report stories that are in line with their financial interests or ideological backers. Even then the stories are not reported, but interpreted. That's why you hear everything on what's going on in Syria (at least everything that makes the Russians look bad) and nothing about what is going on in Yemen, for example.

I stopped trusting MSM a long time ago. They are a bunch of liars, whose interests are anything but informing you about the truth. The best you can get out of MSM is taking info from various extreme sources (eg. CNN and Fox) and then creating a "median" truth out of that, since you know that both sources are biased.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
morbo wrote:
Now Trump calls journalists "enemies of the American people".

Actual journalists are not, but corporate media is definitely an enemy - of journalism and general public, since they mislead, lie, omit, fake...

Corporate media only report stories that are in line with their financial interests or ideological backers. Even then the stories are not reported, but interpreted. That's why you hear everything on what's going on in Syria (at least everything that makes the Russians look bad) and nothing about what is going on in Yemen, for example.

I stopped trusting MSM a long time ago. They are a bunch of liars, whose interests are anything but informing you about the truth. The best you can get out of MSM is taking info from various extreme sources (eg. CNN and Fox) and then creating a "median" truth out of that, since you know that both sources are biased.


("Yemen: The 'forgotten war' cloaked in the shadow of Syria")

Maybe we´d have some different news, if Trump would not produce so many.

And there´s always a focus on certain news.

"[...]Out of the headlines
Yemen is in general very poorly covered.
"It's a complicated and messy conflict, it's hard to report on well, and it's hard to find a good guy and a bad guy," said Peter Salisbury, an associate fellow from the Middle East and North Africa Program at London-based Chatham House.
"There are a lot of issues with accessibility -- it's very hard to get into Yemen during the war, and if you do, it's not the easiest environment to get around in.
"It's expensive and it's not full of freelance journalists. It's a hard to sell to editors," he said. [...]"

I see the problem of corporate interests, but that also applies to "alternative media". Lots of fake news were produced to gain money.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst on Feb 18, 2017, 1:33:53 PM
morbo wrote:
Now Trump calls journalists "enemies of the American people".

Actual journalists are not, but corporate media is definitely an enemy - of journalism and general public, since they mislead, lie, omit, fake...

Corporate media only report stories that are in line with their financial interests or ideological backers. Even then the stories are not reported, but interpreted. That's why you hear everything on what's going on in Syria (at least everything that makes the Russians look bad) and nothing about what is going on in Yemen, for example.

I stopped trusting MSM a long time ago. They are a bunch of liars, whose interests are anything but informing you about the truth. The best you can get out of MSM is taking info from various extreme sources (eg. CNN and Fox) and then creating a "median" truth out of that, since you know that both sources are biased.

I agree, when the MSM says: "We have proof that Iraq have weapon of mass destruction"

And they push that narrative just so we start a war for the profit of some corporations

or when they lie and their lies and propaganda install a climate of terror over the country, and the country suffer from it. Such as the white supremacist narrative that was installed last year, and helped to push BLM movement into riots and violence. That makes them ennemies of the states.
diablofdb wrote:
morbo wrote:
Now Trump calls journalists "enemies of the American people".

Actual journalists are not, but corporate media is definitely an enemy - of journalism and general public, since they mislead, lie, omit, fake...

Corporate media only report stories that are in line with their financial interests or ideological backers. Even then the stories are not reported, but interpreted. That's why you hear everything on what's going on in Syria (at least everything that makes the Russians look bad) and nothing about what is going on in Yemen, for example.

I stopped trusting MSM a long time ago. They are a bunch of liars, whose interests are anything but informing you about the truth. The best you can get out of MSM is taking info from various extreme sources (eg. CNN and Fox) and then creating a "median" truth out of that, since you know that both sources are biased.

I agree, when the MSM says: "We have proof that Iraq have weapon of mass destruction"

And they push that narrative just so we start a war for the profit of some corporations

or when they lie and their lies and propaganda install a climate of terror over the country, and the country suffer from it. Such as the white supremacist narrative that was installed last year, and helped to push BLM movement into riots and violence. That makes them ennemies of the states.

It was the narrative of the government and news agencies then still had trust in the government. Hopefully they don´t make that mistake again soon. Then again that government trusted a foreign intelligence service (Israel ?).
To add a cynical comment: Trump has not forgotten Yemen. He wants to close borders for both Syrian and Yemenite refugees. Actually that´s not me being cynical.
Last edited by Schmodderhengst on Feb 18, 2017, 1:23:23 PM

The president being unwilling or unable to speak honestly and coherently to the press for five minutes is irrelevant, nonsensical bullshit?

That's your opinion, not a fact. To the contrary, I think he's a combination of brutal honesty + trolling. More honesty than we typically get from politicians, IMO.


What we have is a sitting president who ran the most flagrantly dishonest campaign in recent history

That would be Hillary Clinton.


Actually, we get that. We understand perfectly well what he's doing, and it is fucking terrifying. Do you understand why it's such a problem for a politician to attempt to convince people that the only person they can trust is him, and also maybe media which is explicitly sycophantic to him?

I think most of the media is a tool for the left. Trump knows this, and a majority of the country feels this way as well. The majority of Americans don't trust the media, and this is the same media that Trump is attacking. All Trump is doing is winning favor among the masses by attacking groups that are more unpopular than he is. It's a viable political strategy, and there is some trolling involved. It also serves to help rally his base. Every politician wants to rally their base, that's nothing new.


Funny, when I look to see what "the media" has to say about that comment, people are taking it accurately, in context. They are saying that Trump meant that the news outlets reporting on his connections to Russia somehow qualify as "fake news". Most of them proceed to quote his comments in pretty complete context.

Leaks from unnamed sources who report that the intelligence community is keeping intel from Trump, because they're worried about his ties to Russia is very much fake news. This is the kinda lying bullshit that Trump is calling them out on.


What self-defeating nonsense. The media goes after Trump because he is a powerful man in an incredibly powerful position who won't stop lying, and because they recognize how dangerous and absurd this is. I'm not convinced they would "go after him" if he stopped lying all the time, but you know what? FOX went after Obama "no matter what" and Obama didn't just give up and say, "Fuck it, I'm just going to give them utter bullshit to chew on".

Most of the media was really soft on Obama. Super soft. This is why people like me don't give them much credibility when they go after Trump. They're purely politically motivated. I'm extremely cynical towards the media.

Not only are we not even on the same page, we're not even in the same book here.
Last edited by MrSmiley21 on Feb 18, 2017, 1:51:26 PM

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