Donald Trump and US politics

@deathflower: I literally didn't understand what you said because of some grammatical irregularities, so I misinterpreted it. I also assumed your questions "isn't it frustrating" and "don't you hate the authoritarian left" were trolling, because the idea of getting emotional about political ideas is foreign to me. Granted, I might use colorful language here or there, but it's mostly a figure of speech used to stress a point. Now I assume you were asking me if I don't feel the same way you do, and the answer is, "no". I may disagree, but I can't say I hate it. I don't think I hate anything at all, to be honest.

@Budget_Player: Interesting. I was talking under the assumption most people are selfishly motivated. If there are convincing studies pointing otherwise, I might be wrong. Which would be great and I'll happily embrace it. All the better for me if there are less selfish fuckers around :)

I'm not projecting my... apathy? (I guess it looks that way to you) on you. I know very well we're quite different in many aspects. I do, however, think you're projectng your empathy on me :P

p.s. edit: although if me being wrong means I'll have to stomach more sappy, teary-eyed identity drama in the future, this wouldn't be great at all. Can I start a movement? Don't discriminate against the less emotional people out there, all the whining is grating on our nerves?

Somehow I think it won't be terribly effective.
The Wheel of Nerfs turns, and builds come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the build that gave it birth comes again.
Last edited by Bars on Feb 23, 2017, 9:15:43 AM

Trump travel expenses higher than Obamas 1 year expenses. #MAGA
sarahaustin wrote:

Trump travel expenses higher than Obamas 1 year expenses. #MAGA

Are you a Pakman shill now? Do you at least get paid?
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
@Budget_player_cadet, there's so much wrong/misunderstood with your response to my posts many pages back. Your interpretations are way off.

When I wrote: "The more we can joke about this stuff the more meaningless and less powerful identity politics become", you seem to have interpreted "this stuff" as "racist joke" and went on to link an article about the alt right creating Nazi's and then a psychology blog about "racist jokes".

That wasn't the context. "this stuff" = our identity classification, i.e. "The more we can joke about our identity classification the more meaningless and less powerful identity politics become". Joking about what you identify as is not a racist joke (nor is it a sexist joke, nor is it a homophobic joke).

When someone says: "I'm transgender" in the context you imply, if you respond with a joke you're being insensitive. If the context is someone seeking acceptance, if you have any emotional intelligence you reassure them. But that wasn't the context of my joke. Yet for some reason to tried to turn that into the context of my joke to launch a rebuttal.

It seems you're on a war path to try to prove a point and end up twisting things rather than try to have a real conversation and understand what someone is saying. I'm done.

And don't get me started on the university study referenced in the blog. F it I'll /spoiler my mini rant
Seriously, that thing is so poorly constructed. It's completely dependent on honest self reported prejudices via a survey response, which scientifically is a shit show. And there are other problems. For instance, changing the name of the made-up "racist" student origination from "Southern Heritage Student Association" to something hateful/negative sounding would result in more budget cuts toward it (I wonder how many participants even identified it as racist?).

White Cultural Collective
White Cultural Collective aims to provide opportunities for white
students to explore and celebrate their white identity and to offer
spiritual and social support for white students at WCU.

Racist? Terrible? Kill it with fire? That wasn't actually one of the organizations in the paper. In fact it was the Jewish Cultural Collective. Just replace white with Jewish and it's what they had, which they labeled as a normal organization (not a racist one). A lot of the made-up organizations were identity-related in things that very few of the test subjects (or overall student population) identified with, yet they all started off with the approximately the same budget. The results end up being more indicative of people funding organizations that benefit them (or more students), rather than saying anything about homophobia or racism.

Even the jokes had issues. All the racist jokes were toward white Americans, and then they asked 164 white Americans which organizations to defund.

I can't believe that it was used as someone's Thesis for a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology. The control of variables was poor, the statistical treatment of data was poor, everything was poor. Like the other university exercise on reaction time, you can achieve any outcome you want if you tweak the conditions/parameters.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Last edited by Vhlad on Feb 23, 2017, 9:38:27 AM
My apologies for misinterpreting you. With regards to the helicopter thing: I'm conveying the only context in which I have ever seen jokes like that made. I have literally only ever seen jokes like that as an attempt to take the piss out of identities, typically gender identity, and never in an insightful or interesting way. FWIW those are reasonable complaints about the study, thank you for taking the time to look at it.
Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
Xavderion wrote:
sarahaustin wrote:

Trump travel expenses higher than Obamas 1 year expenses. #MAGA

Are you a Pakman shill now? Do you at least get paid?

Trumps pandering to blacks implodes.

Are you a Trump shill, do you get paid?
My apologies for misinterpreting you. With regards to the helicopter thing: I'm conveying the only context in which I have ever seen jokes like that made. I have literally only ever seen jokes like that as an attempt to take the piss out of identities, typically gender identity, and never in an insightful or interesting way. FWIW those are reasonable complaints about the study, thank you for taking the time to look at it.

This gets a <3
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Trump: look what's happening in Sweden

CNN: TRUMP CLAIMED Sweden was suffering a terror attack that never happened!!!!

Trump: no I was talking about the chaos and violence

CNN: LOOK nothing is happening Trump is lying!!!!!

Meanwhile in Sweden :
...God dammit I promised myself I wasn't going to laugh at that scene any more.
Luna's Blackguards - a guild of bronies - is now recruiting! If you're a fan of our favourite chromatic marshmallow equines, hit me up with an add or whisper, and I'll invite you!
IGN: HopeYouAreFireProof
Raycheetah wrote:
Time to buy stock in popcorn futures!

Is James O'Keefe About To Smoke CNN? Tells Hannity He's Set To Release "Hundreds of Hours" Of Newsroom Footage "Wikileaks Style"

Note that O'Keefe didn't specify CNN by name, but, ya know... This is coming out tomorrow, or thereabouts. Should be a hoot. =^[.]^=

You do know that O'Keefe has gotten in trouble numerous times for dishonestly editing his footage in order to defame people, right? It's pretty much his modus operandi. I'd be very careful trusting just about anything he releases.
He's never gotten in trouble for that. It's been claimed multiple times, but always by O'Keefe's targets and their media apologists. He has been arrested... for entering a federal building under false pretenses, aka lying about his identity while undercover.

I took a class in video editing, I've edited video for public access television (like Wayne's World but much lamer), I know what you can go with it, and I haven't seen anything from O'Keefe that isn't quality work. You should give a watch to everything he releases.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Feb 23, 2017, 10:21:06 AM

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