An Early Look at the New Water System

lol consoles
OMFG, I can't believe GGG is just throwing all of my money down the toilet (aka into the water). Worst thing to happen to this game ever! This will destroy the game!

IGN: Noshei or Silvannn
Wow, that looks really nice.
It's to appease the amount of salt from the xbox announcement, get it? Water, salt. ayyy.
Salt water!
I already thought I saw something new with the water yesterday, but wasn't sure.
Looks very nice, so real.
Can you see ground effects, bearers, reflect aura's in the new water?

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

Consoles... pff...
Im assuming this has nothing to do with the new console release. Probably was just one of those top priority fixes the game needed.

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