3.0 LL 26/20 Essence Drain Decay Bow build. Everything farmer.

musubiya wrote:
Great guide, i've being following trickster builds since i started playing(1 week ago) and i pretty much agree with your style, i had in mind envy essences to power up jewelry as well.

I have few doubts though, my first one is: is your ES enough to tank most content? i have seen a lot of ED builds trying to go up to 10k ES, what i want to know if 8-9k is a good amount of ES to start building up more on damage instead.

Can i go CI instead of low life? just thinking about it but i lack of game knowledge to know cons and pros of both in endgame playstyle. I got a cospri's and want to give a good use if it is possible.

Overall i like the build, it is fast, good positioning and damage focused. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Actually I've been looking into how to work cospri's into the build since the extra poison would be an additional damage source. My current ES total is up to 9.5k with some new rings I've been playing around with.

You could drop the curse wheel with a cospri's in order to path CI. I'm gonna have to experiment a little bit with this once I get my hands on one.

You could go for a tree like this http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUBBQU1HQUFBQWRMRFlvdG5JRlBWdmFvd1d2N1RSeUF4MmdyVkk2Mk1STHlzS1hmSURIaDlCRGtpM01PaGFKb2dSbGdjZWxTN3cxVWxSal9wY1FJZkxwNXQxbnM4VmY4YVRKMXlLNzRqNU45ZlBTYkctaXFFdnl0TzBET3E2RFh4WHlTajZnc2Y1NkdoMDJtSVlWcmlUSE55UEd1dnVwd2lkcmhwczk4R1BSbEg3elJZZkdKdWg5OWRTcjd0TjNWOW5fSVJJWEd2RGJXd0xJdlJ0R1MyTEg4Y1JVRFc1cHl1WDlGSlRQVi1YbFV5ejBCX3Y2MFYtRGx4cS10bGJHeVZMcnVrQzM0b1BxeVNMd3pxSjRPWllreDlKRTV1MWhNVVppdnNKOXRxWEJzU2kzNWhpV3V3WUxMOFYxNGF1Vm1NPQAIQUFBQUFRQUEAAA== If you wanted to go CI with a cospri's instead of shavs. It might be worth dropping the 30% ll spell dmg node for the poison in addition to the decay. I'll update the guide once I experiment a little.
Last edited by DerWeiss on Oct 9, 2016, 5:39:27 AM
DerWeiss wrote:
musubiya wrote:
Great guide, i've being following trickster builds since i started playing(1 week ago) and i pretty much agree with your style, i had in mind envy essences to power up jewelry as well.

I have few doubts though, my first one is: is your ES enough to tank most content? i have seen a lot of ED builds trying to go up to 10k ES, what i want to know if 8-9k is a good amount of ES to start building up more on damage instead.

Can i go CI instead of low life? just thinking about it but i lack of game knowledge to know cons and pros of both in endgame playstyle. I got a cospri's and want to give a good use if it is possible.

Overall i like the build, it is fast, good positioning and damage focused. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Actually I've been looking into how to work cospri's into the build since the extra poison would be an additional damage source. My current ES total is up to 9.5k with some new rings I've been playing around with.

You could drop the curse wheel with a cospri's in order to path CI. I'm gonna have to experiment a little bit with this once I get my hands on one.

You could go for a tree like this http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAUBBQU1HQUFBQWRMRFlvdG5JRlBWdmFvd1d2N1RSeUF4MmdyVkk2Mk1STHlzS1hmSURIaDlCRGtpM01PaGFKb2dSbGdjZWxTN3cxVWxSal9wY1FJZkxwNXQxbnM4VmY4YVRKMXlLNzRqNU45ZlBTYkctaXFFdnl0TzBET3E2RFh4WHlTajZnc2Y1NkdoMDJtSVlWcmlUSE55UEd1dnVwd2lkcmhwczk4R1BSbEg3elJZZkdKdWg5OWRTcjd0TjNWOW5fSVJJWEd2RGJXd0xJdlJ0R1MyTEg4Y1JVRFc1cHl1WDlGSlRQVi1YbFV5ejBCX3Y2MFYtRGx4cS10bGJHeVZMcnVrQzM0b1BxeVNMd3pxSjRPWllreDlKRTV1MWhNVVppdnNKOXRxWEJzU2kzNWhpV3V3WUxMOFYxNGF1Vm1NPQAIQUFBQUFRQUEAAA== If you wanted to go CI with a cospri's instead of shavs. It might be worth dropping the 30% ll spell dmg node for the poison in addition to the decay. I'll update the guide once I experiment a little.

Ok So I did some testing with cospri's will. And going CI instead of LL. It's less DPS and my health pool dropped from 9.5k to 7k-ish. It's an interesting idea but not worth dropping the 30% dmg on ll node.
Appreciate all your feedback. I started an Explosive Arrow Occultist build with the Soul Strike Quiver synergy. But your build seems to dish out more damage.

I like how this build uses Soul Strike and ES too. No insane, uninterrupted ES regen, but the Trickster does have a few good defensive passives as well.

I was wondering how important is Zealot's Oath? What do you think about dropping the regen at the Scion node and going for the pure spell damage on the other side with the Harrier route?
_Thresher_ wrote:
Appreciate all your feedback. I started an Explosive Arrow Occultist build with the Soul Strike Quiver synergy. But your build seems to dish out more damage.

I like how this build uses Soul Strike and ES too. No insane, uninterrupted ES regen, but the Trickster does have a few good defensive passives as well.

I was wondering how important is Zealot's Oath? What do you think about dropping the regen at the Scion node and going for the pure spell damage on the other side with the Harrier route?

That's an interesting idea. Good catch on that one. I'll have to respec a few points and play around with that. I'm pretty sure we'd miss the extra regen speed but I'll do some testing regardless.
Hey Weiss! Castashadow here.

So I been mapping with Decay Bow setup these last few days. Keep in mind I only tested on Hydra and Minotaur and not on Shaper.
Ive been playing ED builds for a while now. Most of the time with Consuming Dark and shield. Also to note, in all cases I went Low Life and triple curse.

The TL:DR version would be: both setups destroys 95% of the content right now with ease. If you start stacking all the multipliers from low life, support gems, 21 lvl ED, etc, its really hard to see a difference while clearing maps, even a T16. The damage is there on both choices (meaning Decay weapon, NO poison, the other being no decay AND poison).

Some basics considerations we could talk about are first, of course, poison immune bosses. You feel that extra damage from decay doing work there. Now, how much of a difference is? Not a lot, at least my perspective. While decay scale from passives and gems (maybe?) I still dont know how it trully works.

Second: well, defenses. My previous setup was with a high ES shield then I moved to a 60% block Rathpith . With a Rumis your defense is massive. No bow/quiver cant compete with that.
And last two points: Scaling poison the highest possible should try to compete with Decay, I guess. Didnt respec yet to test that. And of course, for last, the chance of getting a decay Bow with +1 +2 and test that without poison setup.

All in all, build is strong both ways. I dont know if decay is working as intented and if GGG will change it, but for now its very good.

How powerful is this build without The Dying Sun? I'm saving up for one at the moment but still want to start this build since I have everything else.
since i will never get a lvl4 empower - would a lvl3 empower be enough or would that mean i swap it for another gem?

edit: also. are u aware of the +15-30% increased damage over time enchant from leo? that ccould be worth getting the dex from the passive tree right?
Last edited by Malaclypsety on Oct 14, 2016, 5:57:18 PM
What about Ascendancy Point ? Can you show me ?
First time poster but I have to start by saying great guide.

Now I wanted to share something I found that I think takes this to another level. If you have decay on your weapon and you roll "Cast Word of War on kill" on your gloves you summon little floating bows. But the fun part is each of these bows causes decay on hit. 3x the amount of decay than just your shot. I'm finding it a bit hard to find mobs as things are melting off-screen because of them.

As proof I just did Cruel Lab at 58 and only shot Izaro once during the last phase myself. The Bows dropped him the first two zones at lvl 58...

Anyway, figured I'd share.

:Edit: Cast on Kill not Hit.
Last edited by CouriOtoko on Oct 22, 2016, 5:37:29 PM
how about occultist ED build? im having dilemma betwen choosing these 2 classes

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