Who else is not going to play PoE anymore because of the lab?

kickaxe88 wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
If lab is the future and the devs keep pushing it down our throats I see no reason to continue with this game. Its been nice and all but enough is enough. Cant believe that I am replacing this with Blizzard products(not D3, Hearthstone and Overwatch)but thats how it is. Who else is throwing the towel because of a faulty design decision?

Well dont let the door hit your ass on the way out. "Faulty design decision"? Sounds to me like you just need to get better at the game. If the lab is the straw that broke the camel's back for you then good riddance honestly. There's SO many other things wrong with this game, the lab's the least of anyone's concerns.

The lab is the least of anyone's concerns? Says who? You? The fact that this very topic is a frequent flier on these forums and the community seems to be literally divided 50/50 tells me that this is a topic that a lot of people are very passionate about (at least forums and in-game chat...its honestly all we as players have to go by)

Don't assume for everyone that the lab is not a great concern to the playerbase. It most definitely is for a lot of people.
I understand that the lab is frustrating/annoying for some, but I can't understand how such a small portion of such a huge game would make you quit unless you're just looking for a reason and this is the latest RAGE.

I mean, after you do the trials once in the league, you're done now. You don't HAVE to do uber lab, and can instead just sell the offering for 5-6c. The uber lab is an ez way to generate lots of currency for a character early in a league it seems, so thumbs up there. The downside is that not all characters can comfortably negate the massive amounts of physical damage and traps. That's been my only complaint. They have KINDA SORTA addressed it with the tuning of traps, but CI/LL have a hard time still, while other armor stacking builds can just run around like mad-men and do what they want.

I'm all for certain end-game things taking a certain few builds to thrive at,like Atziri used to be, but this is supposed to be content that is meant for 100% of players to experience I thought.
I have semi retired over lab and a host of other issues namely trading still too cumbersome, 6 linking is still too much of a pain, too hard to get any loot thats actually good, ect. WE told them lab was no good and they made another lab....wtf
Support the cause. Free the ascendancy points from LAB.

Other top 3 issues. Make standard great again. Fix XP (add fatigue system). Fix lag.
MR GGG tear down this ascendancy wall.
Softcore. Not impressed

I'm not here to impress you. I'm here to have fun. :)
You should try this, for once, instead of being angry at everything.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
While I can sympathize with an argument that the ascendant classes introduce meta that makes it so certain classes are clear cut favorites for certain builds and as such might discourage people from trying to test a build on some classes, I don't see where all the rage is coming from.

Unless you play the game for the PvP and are upset that the people you are going up against have more points than you, nothing has changed. They didn't make Piety, Dominus, Malachai, etc...scale up in difficulty in compensation for Lab being in game so if you want to play the game like you did before ascendancy nothing is stopping you.

If you still enjoy every other aspect of the game but lab, then don't do lab. Or just save up for some currency and get someone to run it for you.
won't quit although lab is really tedious I can bare with it if I'm playing a build that motivates me to do so, I don't really care to farm it though its content that's not fun imo.

if i was ggg i would lower trap damage and make it so you can at least respawn on death (in sc ofc)
once you get to the last izaro fight, i dont know how many times ive got all the way to the end of the lab to just get one shot by izaro critting me or some bullshit.

pretty sure the player numbers will tell ggg what players enjoy but lately it seems poe is slowly becoming a game i dont enjoy playing because ggg nerf all the cool things or dont add anything cool to the core game.
NekoHanten wrote:
won't quit although lab is really tedious I can bare with it if I'm playing a build that motivates me to do so, I don't really care to farm it though its content that's not fun imo.

if i was ggg i would lower trap damage and make it so you can at least respawn on death (in sc ofc)
once you get to the last izaro fight, i dont know how many times ive got all the way to the end of the lab to just get one shot by izaro critting me or some bullshit.

pretty sure the player numbers will tell ggg what players enjoy but lately it seems poe is slowly becoming a game i dont enjoy playing because ggg nerf all the cool things or dont add anything cool to the core game.

The major mistake GGG has done was introducing those broken "cool" things to the game. They are trying to get rid of them, slowly, but people got spoiled already, and will moan and cry about their "fun" build being nerfed. Where "fun" means broken-as-fuck.

I find it funny that so many people play those meta-cookie-cutter-broken builds, only to complain some time later, that the game is "too ez" or "too short". How can you expect game to be deep and long, if you are taking the path of least resistance? o_o For example, CoC should be gone from the game, for VERY long now.

Still, people want "cool things added to the game". They get the Lab. They complain that it is "tedious" and boring (or too hard - one-shots etc.). How many more CoC-Discharges can GGG add to the game... :S
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Last edited by Perq on Jun 24, 2016, 6:10:01 AM
I came back to PoE for Ascendancy, and didn't like the Lab, either. The problem was that I tried to dodge traps/play carefully. It took longer, was tedious, and boring.

With Prophecy, I learned, play a build that's meant to face-roll lab, ignore traps, and face-tank Argus/Izaro. I find it ironic that the Lab isn't some alternate content to the clear-speed meta - it's just content with a much narrower spectrum of builds for the clear-speed meta. All it does, in the end, is make it feel bad to play a build that doesn't speed-clear it.

This, ultimately, is the biggest failure of the Lab, because it gates ascendancy. Now, if it didn't gate player power, I'd feel it's ok to be night/day face-roll for some builds, and harder for most others. Like Atziri. No one really complains about doing Atziri because if you don't want to, you don't have to - you're not missing out on skill points.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

my anxiety skyrockets in lab there is zero fun just did one and iam so annoyed just to get an elementalist i have to risk my char % traps are so fucking dumb

free ac points from lab there is no reason to gate build diversity behind dodge or die
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SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
Last edited by ventiman on Jun 24, 2016, 7:37:16 PM
SaiyanZ wrote:
For now it's annoying but I think it's ok to do once for a character that you're going to play for over a month. However it stops me from being creative and making new builds because I just think of the lab as a chore and then quit theorycrafting.

It absolutely stifles creativity because everyone knows the best few ways to cheese it, so it's ridiculous even for experimenters to waver off of those narrow paths.

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