Elementalist Flameblast Feat 2x Obliteration BOOM CHAIN

hey congrats mate you found a very op combo.

I found out myself how incredibly overpowered dual wielding obliteration wands is. I think it needs a nerf.

I made a basic arc build with elementalist for prolifs and founnd out that i claer faster if i equip dual obliterations instead of two very good crit lightning wands. Is that fair?

Basicly Obliterations+Elementalist burn/shock/ignite prolif add TWO layers of extra aoe to your build, giving just about any skill incredible screen clearing abilities.

It works with just about any skill. I tested a few and found bladefall to be the most powerful. It also benefits from the 15%of physical added as chaos damage from the wands !

Flameblast is okay too, but slower as i have found. You might want to try bladefall yourself!

Arc also works very well.

So basicly 2 obliterations + some high damaging decent-aoe skill + elementalist = screenwide guaranteed oneshot of packs.

I have encountered three problems with this build though:

1. single target/boss fights with no adds. how to deal enough deeps?

2. tankiness. how to get defenses?

3. movespeed. no whirling blades with these wands :(

how would you tackle these problems?
RIP King of the Forest view-thread/1738625
Last edited by cmphx on Jun 1, 2016, 3:42:13 AM
I use flameblast because we have lot of buffs from elementalist and whit new content we got more radius on becon of ruin (free proliferation on evrything) from 9 to 12 and its huge boost, + one golem so we can use flame and chaos golem at the same time whit great boost too and finnaly we get 2 addicional points and i think i will spend it for buffed pandelum of destruction for 100% ele dmg and 25% increased aoe meybe its for 4s but it will help.

1: For bosses i use chance for ignite and just stack flameblast to 10, also i before using flameblast use ice spear whit increased critical strike to proc elemental overload for 40% more ele dmg.

2: For defences i use balphemy + artic aromr and chaos golem whit elementalist node and empower lvl 3 will give us 10% phys reduction, also i use basalt flask and rumis concoction whit 3 points for flask it give good defences.

3: for movment speed i use quick silver flask
whit flask nodes it give nice amount of movment speed and it have long duration, for jumping over walls or when flask isnt up i use lighting warp whit less duration and faster casting.

PS: its sad but tommorow i fly for one month to Norway for season work and i cannot test new changes to elementalist or add new vid but i will back and i will try to get some challenges in phropecy league and meybe i try to make this build on hc.
If you dont know how tree look for 2.3 it look the same only change is we got 2 more points for ascendacy and i think pandelum of destruction is the best option cause it will gie 25% increased radius for explosion from obliteration. Btw you can check my character any time cause my profile is set to public.
Last edited by mati3255 on Jun 1, 2016, 2:59:09 PM
How should I be leveling this build?
Is this still vaiable in 2.4?

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