Donald Trump

While i agree with the first 2 paragraphs, please tell me you did not call Hillary a Marxist cause i am having serious brain damage here. - Poutsos Flicker Nuke Shadow
I found it interesting that on the same day as the Dallas shooting (where on social media they immediately identified an unrelated black man in the crowd as a suspect even while they were supposedly engaged with the shooter), the governor of texas accidentally suffered 2nd and third degree burns on a large portion of his legs from scalding water. It was a bad day for texas apparently. this thing on?
Last edited by LostForm on Jul 11, 2016, 9:11:48 AM
Jojas wrote:
NeroNoah wrote:
US police seems to have a PR problem (it doesn't mean that police are fascists or something, but if they are perceived like that because of a few bad apples, it's a problem).

The few bad apples are the cause for - overall - isolated incidances, but it's the supposedly good apples who are responsible for the bad apples not to be brought to justice. They are also responsible - by saying and doing nothing - for systematic racism to be able to establish itself within police units.

At least according to this ex-cop (note to Fox News viewers and other apologists: he's black so he's obviously biased and following his BLM cop hating agenda, so don't bother reading):

>complain about fox
>link Vox media out of all shit
>Redditt Hudson
lel holy shit.
your shitposting does not deserve more than this
OkIamhere wrote:

>complain about fox
>link Vox media out of all shit
>Redditt Hudson
lel holy shit.

You haven't read the article, right? Of course not.

Fox News controversies wikipedia page (yes, it has his own, long, very long, page): controversies: One and half lines (almost)

Vox is partisan, no doubt. But in terms of dishonesty and unabashed propaganda Fox News is on a whole different planet.
Last edited by Jojas on Jul 11, 2016, 2:17:12 PM
Dallas first responders all went through a massive active shooter drill days before a massive active shooter event. Uncanny. this thing on?
Poutsos wrote:
While i agree with the first 2 paragraphs, please tell me you did not call Hillary a Marxist cause i am having serious brain damage here.

Ehhh, some people are so much to the right they see everything as communism.

Conversely, some people are so much to the left that anything seems neoliberal capitalist opression or some shit.
Add a Forsaken Masters questline
I wish we were neo liberal. fact is big dogs get the bailouts and little man is capitalism for the poor. Socialism for riches is what we have. Wake the fuck up. you think they spend millions for a senate seat which only pay 190K a year or back end favors? USA is actually more corrupt than anyplace. Even South America or far east.


Hasnt anyone noticed besides me that bigger government gets and more powers the greater the poor rich divide grows? I wonder fucking why? maybe because you only have to buy off say 300 member of congress (a simple majority) instead of 300 million Americans for profits. doh?
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Jul 11, 2016, 11:44:29 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
I wish we were neo liberal. fact is big dogs get the bailouts and little man is capitalism for the poor. Socialism for riches is what we have. Wake the fuck up. you think they spend millions for a senate seat which only pay 190K a year or back end favors? USA is actually more corrupt than anyplace. Even South America or far east.


Hasnt anyone noticed besides me that bigger government gets and more powers the greater the poor rich divide grows? I wonder fucking why? maybe because you only have to buy off say 300 member of congress (a simple majority) instead of 300 million Americans for profits. doh?

Why would you want a job that is thankless, low paying, and stressful? Do you have a serious mental issue? The good new is you can shamelessly sell your soul to billionaires and big corporations for a profit.
Last edited by deathflower on Jul 12, 2016, 12:54:34 AM
Aim_Deep wrote:
Hasnt anyone noticed besides me that bigger government gets and more powers the greater the poor rich divide grows?

You guys aren't even aware what a bullet you dodged. That socialist loon that almost won the democratic nomination, would have doubled the government and halved it's efficiency. You think you have a big government now? Wait till "democratic socialism" takes over and government bureocrats start to regulate every aspect of your life.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
NeroNoah wrote:
DalaiLama wrote:
While Trump is speaking some things that some people don't like to hear - Hillary has moved beyond xenophobia and has actively promoted wars and revolution in multiple foreign nations.

The other day I read what militar advisers Trump has. Many have an Iraq background I think (for example, someone working on Blackwater). In that sense, Trump doesn't seem to have advantage over Hillary (there is no denying she is a warhawk). He will be a puppet for neocons, the fall guy like Bush was. Never bought the whole "Iraq was a mistake" from someone who has come in favor of waterboarding and worse.

Waterboarding (and its precursor associated chemical methods) was never meant to get information from subjects. By stimulating the neurochemical effects of a drowning/heart attack, the intent is to break the subject's will and then later use traditional sensory+sleep deprivation, good prisoner, bad jailer associate methods to slowly extract information. The information gathered is always questionable, because the person giving it doesn't realize what they are saying due to a partially hallucinatory state, else they wouldn't divulge it.

As to whether the leader of a nation should absolutely rule out any and all torture in all situations, there are a couple of positions that can be taken: No use of torture ever, no matter how dire the situation, and drawing the line at some point and for some types of torture.

If a mad scientist came out with an airborne virus that was killing 35,000 immigrants a day and had a cure, but wouldn't release the secret to the cure except by torture, does a leader then authorize such terrible actions to save a few hundred thousand, or does that national moral standard override countless lives? Where is the line drawn? If ISIS acquired and began nuking a European city each week, do we still withhold any methods of trying to get information?

Once you plant your ethical position, it is a slippery slope on both sides.

As to Trump being a hostage to advisers, Except for the elder George Bush, it has been a very long time since we have had a president who was well informed enough on foreign policy to not rely on advisers. Their are larger groups, especially within the Senate, to help make sure the President has good intel and provide critique of advisers and their advice. Whether any president chooses to listen to or reject any source of advice is largely based on their own instincts and life experiences.

Unless Hillary is willing to stand up against Russia and China and resume the role of superpower, she will be largely relegated to ineffectual and disastrous interventions. If Trump is willing to rebuild US military readiness, the capacity alone will bring about stability.

Rumsfields "Away Team" modernization has been an unmitigated disaster, and is increasingly forcing the US to act in situations where it wouldn't have had to act before.

Iraq's current borders were artificially set up to promote disharmony. The separate groups needs separate nations. If that had been set up, some nation rebuilding might have worked.

Foreign policy is largely immaterial at the moment. There's so many ways the domestic situation could get completely out of hand, and far more lives needlessly lost. This would be an opportune time for a wiser, calmer hand to step up to the plate, but I doubt that's going to happen.

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