Brazil Launch: December 11

Please add latin servers and spanish LA client!!!
I'm up for Spanish Translations! Count on me for that job.
Boa Galera!!! Essa vitória eh nossa!!

Temos server BR, traducção em pT BR (embora acho q isso mude o logística do game com a base de craft com sufixos e prefixos e role até um certo preconceito com alguns nomes, mas o que vale é a intenção!!).

Deixo aqui tambem um recado de nossa GUILD BR 100% HC / LIGAS HC: Recrutamento ON


Deêm uma checada....

Obrigado GGG!!
Rip count:∞ = HC player way of life.
Last edited by lipejmr on Nov 29, 2015, 9:07:31 PM
thanks. Obrigado
Amazing work GGG!

If you need any help with marketing in south Brazil, pleae let me know!
Não tenho o que dizer, exceto isso:


Mal posso esperar pra ver como o jogo ficará quando estiver traduzido !

I have nothing to say, except this:


I can't wait to see how the game will look when translated !
Last edited by Exgardian on Nov 29, 2015, 9:25:25 PM
Lady Merveil, please hold me, I am about to cry. ( even though I will keep the english client, I know this is a big step to the future of GGG expansion, GRATZ!)

Ps: Oh, I almost forgot... If you guys need any support in Rio de Janeiro to promote a meet up, please just let me know.
Last edited by zecazinha on Nov 29, 2015, 9:18:43 PM
Welcome Brazillions but unfortunately the first page of hc ladder is all level 100's and tainted with Legacy and Mirrored gear that was crafted with Orbs that do not exist any more. You will have to try your luck in leagues. Maybe GGG could consider a reset.

Now we only need a good trade mechanism.
Path of Exile best game BR.
IGN kikibianc
Jerle wrote:
Grats. :)

Edit: just curious though, with multi-language clients running for the same game world, is GGG concerned about communication issues with folks who don't speak a common language? Or is the expectation that players will stick to within their communities and that this simply allows existing brazillians to play with their friends who don't speak English?

GGG will add a robust emote-based communication system consisting of chest slaps and grunts.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.

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