Top causes for death in PoE?

Frost bears and not paying attention.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
Two things usually get me.

1: Walking into a room of ranged monsters and taking the entire volley to the face before I react. I play a lot of 4000-4500 life builds with low phys reduction that rely on vaal pact and tons of damage, so this happens frequently enough that I noticed.

2. Mobs with huge damage on a single hit. Labyrinth boss's enraged EK shotgun, Union of Souls mobs (especially Vaal Fallen). Stuff like that occasionally just one shots me if I'm lazy with fortify, so my CWDT immortal call can't even save me.
Every Saturday = National Booze n Poe Day
#1 reason: Lag

I'm not whining, cause I know my computer isn't built for gaming. Also, I frequently know what makes me lag, but choose to do it anyway cause I want to pretend I have an op computer which can let me play everything in the game.

That's why #2: Boxes (which lag me)
#3: Exiles (which lag me)
#4: Party Play (lag)
#5: Haku
#6: Actually playing derpy and misjudging a situation.

Before the rage starts, I'd like to say that in HC I get decently high level (like 85-90) before dying because I don't play in a party, never open boxes, and if I sense my screen twinge, I know there's a rogue nearby and just leave the map. Because I've gotten his high before, even when everything seems to lag my computer, it shows that even deaths by lag are preventable. It just really sucks when you do all this, and your CoMK guy still chains discharge too many times for your computer, and wrecks you from the bearers you just killed, but *knew* were there.

In HC my deaths are from really random lag, white mob crits, or the fact that I refuse to play meta builds.
99,9% rips in parties I see are thanks to:

- Stormbearers
- Frostbearers
- Flamebearers
toyotatundra wrote:
99,9% rips in parties I see are thanks to:

- Stormbearers
- Frostbearers
- Flamebearers

I don't party often but these are what usually gets me simply cause I can't see the ground effects thru all my skill effects until it's too late.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Kroughfire wrote:

playing derpy


I'll take "Swords" for two hundred Alex.
-Faux Sean Connery
Last edited by Lightning_Wolf on Dec 4, 2015, 8:18:28 AM
Being careless for whatever reason.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
#1 Having too much fun playing Flicker builds in HC (highest died @ 90)

#2 Refusing to use the ALT+F4 / Logout tricks

#3 Screen freezes after opening Ice Nova lockboxes
Last edited by Charoth on Dec 6, 2015, 12:05:35 PM
Lately for me it's that Herald of the Obelisk affix. Hard to deal with when I'm using a melee character.

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