(2.6) Demopolos' Ultimate Facebreaker: 6L Shield Charge (500k) or Cyclone (1.4m) w/ 4L Warchief

Hey guys! Think I relly need some help here.
I am lvl 68 now....and my tooltip DPS is 3,5k :(
I just can't believe that abyssus and 20q gems will up my cuurent DPS to 140k-200k at lest. I checked difference between 4-11 and 9-15 flat phys damage on the ring and it is only 400 DPS.
I can't see where to lurk to get at least 100k DPS.
I am currently on prophecy league and doesn't have much orbs so legacy items is not an option.
BTW even with 3.5k DPS I had the smoothest lvling of my life and it was first time deathless exept Lab.

my gear:

my tree:
Hi. I want to ask you how the shield charge build would work with 5 link. I want to buy a 5 linked belly but I don't know how much dps loss it would be. And which gem should I leave out?
saska16001 wrote:
Hey guys! Think I relly need some help here.
I am lvl 68 now....and my tooltip DPS is 3,5k :(
I just can't believe that abyssus and 20q gems will up my cuurent DPS to 140k-200k at lest. I checked difference between 4-11 and 9-15 flat phys damage on the ring and it is only 400 DPS.
I can't see where to lurk to get at least 100k DPS.
I am currently on prophecy league and doesn't have much orbs so legacy items is not an option.
BTW even with 3.5k DPS I had the smoothest lvling of my life and it was first time deathless exept Lab.

Hey man! So there's a handful of things to know here.

The tooltip on shield charge can be deceiving. It's giving you damage per hit, to know your dps... go get all your buffs up and multiply the tooltip by your attacks per second. That being said, it's not the highest dps skill... but it IS the fastest clearing skill available to us. For example my fully buffed gg guy gets about 950k cyclone dps, and only 330k shield charge (with conc effect swapped in for aoe). You don't really need huge damage on shield charge though, as it's high enough to clear all but bosses on its own(and even bosses with good enough gear), and when you need it, drop your ancestral warchief to easy clear bosses. The warchief does a ton of damage when you put the following 4L: ancestral warchief - fast attacks - conc effect - melee phys damage

Your dps is not low for any one reason, it's low because of a ton of different things that are not optimized yet. Keep in mind that all of the combined flat physical damage is your "weapon", as it all gets multiplied by the huge % on your facebreakers. If you want to optimize your character, here are all of the things that you can do:
-GET ABYSSUS. You are drastically underestimating the item. Right now you only have 30-64 total flat physical damage on all of your gear combined. Abyssus alone is 40-60. This item will more than double your damage on its own.
-Shoot for 2 iron rings that both have t1 physical rolls, if possible (your iron ring is t4, and the other is res... which is okay for now)
-Shoot for t1 physical on your ammy, your current is t3
-get 20 q on all relevant gems (this is a ton of damage)
-Swap your mana flasks for atziri and lion's roar flasks, this is huge dps though you might need 1 mana flask until you level a bit higher (you can make mana work by getting a couple of nodes in tree if needed... the 4 tireless nodes are extremely good imo // you can also try to get a elreon ring with a physical roll on it)
-In tree, drop the 40 % defenses from shield node south of duelist start for the 12 % melee (you shield is low armour, not efficient node atm)
-Get good jewels... this is a TON of my dps... see OP for specifics on best mods
-Get a 6L... use aoe gem for clearing, swap conc effect for boss kills
-Keep leveling! 20 + missing levels is a tremendous amount of stats.

If you want a character with higher tooltip, you can always swap to the cyclone setup! It's better for boss killing. The clear speed on shield charge is just outrageously good though, and once you have 6L for the aoe/conc effect swap, and a 4L with warchief... it can still do all of the content in the game once you're geared and leveled.

Hope this helps!

saska16001 wrote:
Hi. I want to ask you how the shield charge build would work with 5 link. I want to buy a 5 linked belly but I don't know how much dps loss it would be. And which gem should I leave out?

It will work fine! I would say that added fire is the least important on the 6L, though losing it is def a big dps hit. The blue flex slot to clear with AoE and boss kill with conc effect is really really good. You can mitigate the dps loss by using 4L ancestral warchief on bosses, the only place where you will really feel like you need more damage. Alternatively, you could just use tabula rasa until you save up enough for a 6L. You might be better off with a cheapo rare 6L until you can afford belly anyway!
Hey, i was wondering if you could run this build in hard core.
Bhrino wrote:
Hey, i was wondering if you could run this build in hard core.

Yes, definitely.

You would want to focus a bit more on defense and get rid of some of the more "optional" dps nodes in tree (i.e. 12% melee damage) in favor of more life % / block. Also, definitely drop carcass for a belly or maybe even lightning coil if you can swing the res. Depending on the skill and setup, you can drop the ele proliferation 4L and make mana work for running: hatred - HoA - determination - enlighten. This will boost armour up to around 35k with flasks. I have 6.6k life atm with the dps setup, so it shouldn't be too hard to get over 7k in HC with a lot of regen.

Hope this helps!
Hi. I'm doing shield charge version and don't know how to resolve mana problems. I'm on lvl 56 and already took that reduced mana cost of skills nodes that you picked but still I need mana potions to play normally. You don't have any mana leech on items etc. so how you play without mana potions?
KraXa wrote:
Hi. I'm doing shield charge version and don't know how to resolve mana problems. I'm on lvl 56 and already took that reduced mana cost of skills nodes that you picked but still I need mana potions to play normally. You don't have any mana leech on items etc. so how you play without mana potions?

I actually do have some mana leech... a single .2% mana leech roll on one of my jewels! Once you have a bit of dps it's more than enough to drop mana potions. You can either get your leech this way (probly most efficient), or get a single roll on a ring or your ammy.
Last edited by demopolos on Jul 3, 2016, 10:34:45 PM
Hey I am trying this build right now. Just hit lvl 40. I was going for Cyclone, but then saw that Infernal Blow video and now I kinda want to try that, is it viable with Cyclone skill tree? Thanks.
Roofz wrote:
Hey I am trying this build right now. Just hit lvl 40. I was going for Cyclone, but then saw that Infernal Blow video and now I kinda want to try that, is it viable with Cyclone skill tree? Thanks.

You could do the infernal blow setup, but the tree for shield charge would be a better fit (no need for the full 4L for hoa - aoe - prolif - burn with this skill... much better synergized with cyclone).

While infernal blow is viable and fun, in my experience it is inferior to the cyclone and shield charge setups. It's just not as fast as shield charge, and has worse single target than cyclone. The best way to frame it for facebreakers imo is:

Shield Charge build: Totally OP clear speed, perhaps the best melee times in the game atm (see 1:23 gorge clear speed... I also did 104 iiq shipyard in 2:15). Still scales well enough to clear t14/t15 maps fast.

Cyclone build: Fast (not as fast as shield charge), but with outrageously good single target dps for shredding bosses. I can get over 1 million tooltip with my current gear (some screens near there in OP). This is very well rounded, and if built more defensively can clear all content in game (uber included).
Edit: nevermind, read the reply I needed
Last edited by slashmessiah on Jul 15, 2016, 8:56:44 AM

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