Wasted Opportunity | Temp leagues | NA/EU | English-speaking


I would like to join,

ign: DFusion_LSC
Hi! I am interest in your guild.
I am working forward challenge now.

Hi is there still space available? I was there under the name MaiBui, or Gekiro. Joined after the split with The Domination guild.
My IGN : Hyein
IGN: MaiBui
Looking to join a guild finally, been playing a few years. Mostly solo.

my ign: JoKeRsBloodyBath lvl 85 PP Inquisitor.

Thanks and talk to you soon.

IGN Sileenz
lvl 92
Berserker, moltenstriker,
LF group mapping
Hi, id like to join

IGN: Aurimael

I'd be interested in joining up.

I started playing PoE years ago, but I was just mostly messing around with various characters of dubious effectiveness for fun.

A recent burst of activity has seen me build something reasonably competent and progress farther than before, but I believe there's still room for improvement.

Mostly, I'd be interested in some company for mapping out the Atlas.

I'm currently playing a lvl 83 Slayer, who goes by the proud name of Bob_The_Bloody_Handed .
I am new to the game, many years on D3, and very interested in getting to know the game better by having a good group of people to play with. I know the difference a good guild can make!

Level 67 Jugg Tectonic Slam build in the works.
Live in the US on EST.
English speaking.
Bestiary SC league.
Play most days for at least a few hours.
Have Discord.
Not toxic.

IGN: LordSarevok
Still got spot? :)

ign: FlashArrowz

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