PoEs Greatness

ScrotieMcB wrote:
noiseaddicted wrote:
I play since... three days ago, so I'm not a relevant member I guess...
Nonsense. The idea that feedback is somehow invalid because a player hasn't played much is one of the more destructive forces on these forums.

Nice feedback. Keep it coming, and if you have questions or need anything, don't hesitate to ask.

The whole post was solid. The sign off of "I see no reason to whine" just devalued the entire thing. Guy has been playing 3 days... I don't think that's enough time to tell ppl who have been playing for years their concerns and feedback is "whining".
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
I think he meant he didn't have a reason to whine.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
I think he meant he didn't have a reason to whine.

After 3 days..? Why would he? If you're aren't enjoying a game 3 days in, chances are, it ain't for you.
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌

i try to further explain the concept, I wasn't clear and I'm sorry 'bout that.

AT first, I should say that probably some days of full-gaming are not enough to elaborate a complex idea, but it's enough for an intelligent being to build an opinion. :)

When I say "I don't see the reason to whine" it's more a general statement on how some players tend to whine when a good game incorporates many different players and player-styles. Everyone has the right to complain about something,if it's constructive criticism.

In the end, I don't like the fact that my opinion counts less just because I'm new. Someone told it right, in the end.
It can be "imprecise" or "incomplete", but after a bunch of 15-20 level characters and some hours of play I guess I can create a relevant review of the game.

Then I don't know what happens next and I don't judge the game itself: i was just stating that most of the time (even outside this game) lots of player whine and don't create criticism, which is a completely different thing.

I didn't mean to offend anyone. :)


EDIT: a concrete example on what I'm sayin'.
If I read "this game is gettin' casual, blah", I read (in my opinion) a whiner. It's not a specific flaw, it's a simple matter of taste from the viewpoint of an auto-appointed pro. :)
If I read "why not include a new league with improved drop rate until level 60?" I read (i don't know if it makes any sense, it's just an example :) ) a criticism inside a new idea.

Whining is simply not necessary by itself: in WoW (where the end game and replayability is basically pointless right now, I played less than a year but I have 1 lvl 100, bunch of lvl 70-80s) I usually don't whine either and try to push whiners to express an opinion anyway (what I usually do). That's because most of the time, the most common complain is "this game is gettin' more casual", which I see as a virtue, until "casual" doesn't mean "lvl 1-100 in 1 hour with 100 rare drops per meter". :)

Sorry for the edit.

Last edited by noiseaddicted on Sep 19, 2015, 7:50:44 AM

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