[2.0] 0-1 mana cost Aegis Aurora Incinerate WIP

What level can you start using incinerate and get away with it? once you have 2 x -8 mana rings? is it still decent with a 4L/5L ?
IGN: madssvin
You can use Incinerate when you have enough lvls to use it with Lesser multiple projectiles.

You can even use elreon amulet while lvling before you reach reduced mana cost% from tree.

This will carry long time

Before you can use incinerate, you can just use Firestorm - conc - faster casting.

Then, when you can equip Cybils, I suggest to switch to Tabula or some 5l.
Kullevi wrote:
You can use Incinerate when you have enough lvls to use it with Lesser multiple projectiles.

You can even use elreon amulet while lvling before you reach reduced mana cost% from tree.

This will carry long time

Before you can use incinerate, you can just use Firestorm - conc - faster casting.

Then, when you can equip Cybils, I suggest to switch to Tabula or some 5l.

Okay thanks :) would you go for IR first while leveling or go templar area and get reduced mana?
IGN: madssvin
Last edited by mileysaurus on Aug 5, 2015, 7:00:57 AM
Go templar area first. Take any mana reduced% to keep incinerate going. Then go to duelist/ranger area to get some dex and finally to marauder.

Take block first and IR last. Shield defences will scale your armour if you just use shield that has armour on it.
Kullevi wrote:
Go templar area first. Take any mana reduced% to keep incinerate going. Then go to duelist/ranger area to get some dex and finally to marauder.

Take block first and IR last. Shield defences will scale your armour if you just use shield that has armour on it.

Okay cool thanks for the reply :)
IGN: madssvin
Are the elron's rings a must for this build? Seems a bit expensive to get good ones.
(Could the build work with one less aura)
Last edited by Moksu on Aug 5, 2015, 1:03:50 PM
You gonna need 50%+ mana regen on both rings, passives, clarity etc.. still not sure if you can get enough mana regen.

Also you will run out of mana in 20-60% regen penalty maps (very common mod now). I think even bad elreon rings are simply better.

Personally, I havent even tried running incinerate on mana alone now since EB was nerfed.
Moksu wrote:
Are the elron's rings a must for this build? Seems a bit expensive to get good ones.
(Could the build work with one less aura)

i bought my rings yesterday for 2-3C each is that expensive`? lol so many on poe.trade. Just buy shitty ones for now and replace them with better later they will carry you a long way. I'd say tabula rasa is more expensive i bought one for 9C.
IGN: madssvin
Did couple Atziri. Dont really have motivation to farm her anymore, but took video from trio fight. Wanted to test how much dmg I take there. (I did switch rotp+purity auras vs Atziri)

No immortal call was used: https://youtu.be/MwkYbC-YTFU
Hey Kullevi

What do you think about Using The Consuming Dark Fiend Dagger - 75% of fire dmg converted to chaos dmg. Chaos Poison on hit, dagger. And then swap Iron Will for Life gain on hit or Life leech gem?

IGN: madssvin

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