[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Serleth wrote:

Soon™ ;)

If you think of anything you'd like for me to try hunt down for you on the cheap what with the Legacy league economics going to be what they will, lemme know. Once prices settle (and I'm done with my own investment into the league), I'll hook you up.

Okay, I will let you know.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze on Feb 15, 2017, 3:09:52 AM
Serleth wrote:
Piros wrote:
I do like how the league allows anyone to basically run 3 Zana mods for "free"... should make farming whatever challenges easier... just collect at least 1 of each stone... maybe some better rolled ones too... and swap in what you need to farm X challenge... no discussions about 10 coffers costing 150c in Zana mods, etc

Are you Jason Winter over at MMOBomb?... you seem to have similar ideas about Legacy League :)

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what they do with the challenges this time around given that basically nothing will be restricted behind Zana at all, like you say. I seriously hope they don't bring back the bullshit "Possess / Identify These Uniques" crap that made shit like an unid Windripper 50ex.

If they do that, this will be the first league in years that I won't go perfect on challenges for. I simply refuse to participate in that again.

Sigh, who am I kidding, I'll do it. ;)

And lol, no, my name is Mike, which possesses precisely zero similar letters as Jason. =)

Funny that we both mentioned the same uniques though. I've only read PCGamer's article.

That doesn't sound fun... Back in Rampage and before, I didn't play end-game much... and didnt push the crazy challenges back in the 8 challenge system... starting in Talisman I really started succeeding in end-game and got 28/32 and then 40/40 with CA MF in Perandus and again in Breach with CA MF and HoWA... but it wasn't until the last few weeks I started feeling "rich"... I think in Perandus I amassed 20-25EX in currency + another 25-50EX maybe in gear and challenges... this league I probably did similar numbers pre-40/40... then proceeded to go from 1500-3500c in currency 4 days between Prophesies and map rushing and selling Strand/t15/t16/etc while running t12-14...

To just dump that all into 1 piece of a challenge would be sad...

SIDE NOTE: I coulda been crazy rich if I'd gotten done with 40/40 sooner and bought all them 38c exalts that are now worth 72c again basically...
Last edited by Piros on Feb 15, 2017, 3:18:05 AM
On 2.6 League Stones
They have charges, so they won't be up permanently.

I'm actually really glad about that. It'll create more diversity throughout the league and help prevent spamming the same league without any investment.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Serleth wrote:
On 2.6 League Stones
They have charges, so they won't be up permanently.

I'm actually really glad about that. It'll create more diversity throughout the league and help prevent spamming the same league without any investment.

More 2.6 Talk
I've been leaning away from running a CA MF character for a few weeks now, but with this reveal, I see the value of MF in relation to whether or not leaguestones can be rare or not... looking at the 5 shown, they seem like they may be getting the flask treatment... no rares, only magic and unique (the relics)... plus the low-end normal ones... if that's true I won't feel like I'm missing out skipping MF...

But if rares are possible, getting more could be quite lucrative... say a breach leaguestone with +2 charges, +2 breaches, +2 splinters per rare and a guaranteed Chayula breach?... or something similar in another league...

I'm not sure how many affix possibilities leagues really have tho to be doing rares... and I know this completely ignores the possibility of using MF to get league-specific drops...
More MORE 2.6
Piros wrote:
But if rares are possible, getting more could be quite lucrative... say a breach leaguestone with +2 charges, +2 breaches, +2 splinters per rare and a guaranteed Chayula breach?... or something similar in another league...

Usually when they do new item reveals like this, they will showcase at least one of every rarity available.

Take for example Talisman, when you scroll down to where they show some T1 Talismans, they have a normal, magic, rare and unique there.

The fact that the stones don't have a rare example is pretty much a clear-cut indicator that magic will be the highest rarity you can get.

That said, MFing a Nemesis + Breach + Perandus map will have some pretty potent results.

Over the next couple weeks I'm probably going to be exploring some different possible options for MFing on Standard, because while I love this build for its general map clear speed, I'm definitely not satisfied with how long it takes to drill down bosses.

No promises, though. Just something I'm considering.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth on Feb 18, 2017, 5:18:30 AM
On 2.6

Now I really want league stones to be part of core game (in 3.0 and beyond). The idea of controlling the instance to an extent with these stones for league specific unique items and to make it more fun overall, is something I can hope in 3.0. I do not mind if the relic with legacy items never touches core game. These league stones will probably spice up the main game and possibly maps too. I was never fond of Zana's league mods being a currency sink just to have a chance on chancing/dropping league specific unique items.

I know it is a bit too soon to be excited about, but I do think 2.6 will be a big success for the first four to six weeks before it slows down because of the expectation of 3.0 and beta.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

JohnNamikaze wrote:
On 2.6

Now I really want league stones to be part of core game (in 3.0 and beyond). The idea of controlling the instance to an extent with these stones for league specific unique items and to make it more fun overall, is something I can hope in 3.0. I do not mind if the relic with legacy items never touches core game. These league stones will probably spice up the main game and possibly maps too. I was never fond of Zana's league mods being a currency sink just to have a chance on chancing/dropping league specific unique items.

I know it is a bit too soon to be excited about, but I do think 2.6 will be a big success for the first four to six weeks before it slows down because of the expectation of 3.0 and beta.

Unfortunately, it's basically a flashback event. The likelihood of league stones going core is extremely slim. It'd certainly be fun, but then it would essentially render Zana mods pointless, which I can't imagine GGG will condone for the long-term game.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
The upcoming league looks like it will be fun to play, sure - but it still smells like filler to keep us busy along the road to 3.0. Considering I'm going to be on vacation for a couple weeks in the middle, plus Mass Effect Andromeda, I'm really not upset about the idea at all. /me shrugs.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
grimjack68 wrote:
The upcoming league looks like it will be fun to play, sure - but it still smells like filler to keep us busy along the road to 3.0. Considering I'm going to be on vacation for a couple weeks in the middle, plus Mass Effect Andromeda, I'm really not upset about the idea at all. /me shrugs.

Oh it definitely is. They needed something they could whip together quickly so they could focus on preparing for the beta halfway through 2.6.

That said, we're apparently getting more balance changes than we probably would have anticipated, so there's a different kind of work going on. While the league itself is basically a throwaway, other changes to the core balance are being made.

In the Q&A with Ziggy, Chris said one of the reasons they're comfortable doing this with a content update rather than a big expansion is because of the timeline: between 2.6 launch, 3.0 beta and 3.0 launch, that gives them three iterations to fuck around with balance and get at least certain aspects nailed down by 3.0, where more changes are going to be coming.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Serleth wrote:
JohnNamikaze wrote:
On 2.6

Now I really want league stones to be part of core game (in 3.0 and beyond). The idea of controlling the instance to an extent with these stones for league specific unique items and to make it more fun overall, is something I can hope in 3.0. I do not mind if the relic with legacy items never touches core game. These league stones will probably spice up the main game and possibly maps too. I was never fond of Zana's league mods being a currency sink just to have a chance on chancing/dropping league specific unique items.

I know it is a bit too soon to be excited about, but I do think 2.6 will be a big success for the first four to six weeks before it slows down because of the expectation of 3.0 and beta.

Unfortunately, it's basically a flashback event. The likelihood of league stones going core is extremely slim. It'd certainly be fun, but then it would essentially render Zana mods pointless, which I can't imagine GGG will condone for the long-term game.

My 2c about League Stones
I agree that this is just a really simple league to carry us through to the beta and 3.0, but I can see it being kept in the future... they even suggested as much in the Breach Manifesto:
Qarl wrote:
Boss spawn chances have been considered, and will likely be increased based on the rarity of breaches. In the 2.6.0 league this change won't be in as a numerical change, rather, this will be handled through a league feature. If it works out well, we may need to incorporate that in the future also.

I think League Stones would be a nice companion and counterpoint to Zana Mods. In many ways, base League Stones are a Zana Mod spread out across 3 maps, without the other benefits of Zana Mods (IIQ, increased rare/magic packs, etc). Leagues like Beyond seem to be the most directly comparable... and if the mechanic carries over, relics will presumably be out, stones will be rarer, etc... just like every other feature that's made it into the game...

Also, I don't think they create mechanics without at least being open to the possibility of implementing them permanently down the line... once they see it in action in the league... I learned my lesson thinking otherwise with Breaches and what they mean for the lore in my head... and I know Perandus wasn't kept because of its massive effect on the economy... Talisman / Warbands / Tempest... these leagues weren't kept, but all the bosses were rolled into maps in 2.4

I also remember a year or so ago in a podcast Chris Wilson commenting on player dreams of being able to buy league MTX to play leagues with whatever combination of league mods they wanted at will... this seems like a great implementation of that that could be quite popular... here's hoping...
Last edited by Piros on Feb 19, 2017, 7:36:46 AM

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