[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

Serleth wrote:
At Chrono's recommendation, probably at the end of this week I'm going to make a post about my thoughts of MFing vs not-MFing at the start of a league.

Random requests paying off!

Also if one is fine being an Alt farmer for currency gains, I'd say breach league is a great one to MF. So many drops, and already in the mindset to vendor everything is just a bonus.
Yea, I'm not sure I'm going to hide the 2-Handers... like I said, if there are portals left I pick up everything from bosses until I cant anymore... and I tend to pick up everything if I'm killing time in Dried Lake or something...

I'm pretty much back in the swing of things now... but having a hard time finding any information (elsewhere) on what I should be doing with the content from the 2 leagues I skipped...

When should I be using Silver coins for prophecies... save... spend immediately... etc... I started saving the uniques that are fated since that seemed like a thing to do...

Also, essenses... I have some of them corrupting essences... when should I be using those... anything else I should know...
Random brag

Piros wrote:
When should I be using Silver coins for prophecies... save... spend immediately... etc... I started saving the uniques that are fated since that seemed like a thing to do...

Also, essenses... I have some of them corrupting essences... when should I be using those... anything else I should know...

Essences are basically alcs. Do what you want with them, sell or craft, but the Remnants are meant to be used on Misery, Scorn, Dread and Envy to get the rarest Essences. I don't have any real advice on crafting with essences, I just collect and sell.

As far as Prophecies, wait until ~75. Some of the Prophecies you get are based on your character level, but you end up getting more trash ones 69 and below. Not sure if there's a difference between 70 & 75 or not, but I just hold off until 75 as a safety measure.

The most valuable ones I can think of off the top of my head are the 5L and 6L prophecies, Monstrous Treasure and of course running the The Pale Council (Plaguemaw, Unbreathing, Unbearable, Feral) which will drop keys after finishing the fifth stage. Pale Council is what drops Reach of the Council (very profitable if you get it). Twice Enchanted can also be fairly valuable to sell but you may be interested in retaining that one in order to do your own Uber Lab runs.

That's all I can think of quickly.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth on Dec 13, 2016, 2:45:36 AM
Thanks... I've just been collecting essences so far... no plan...

Prophesies... I tried 1 and got rats in Normal... and tried another and can't remember what I got in Cruel/Merciless... then I used 6 recently before my first map at 78... and 3 prophesies happened pretty quickly in that map alone... Invader, currency pinata, and something else... and another rats and 6 strongboxes popped up pretty quick after that too... seemed like i could run out of silver coins really quickly if I just started using them... I mean, I've only found about 50 so far, and traded some to afford my started CA gear
Yeah, you can burn through coins incredibly fast. No doubt. I almost never have my prophecy tab full. Debating investing in coins while Reach is still fairly expensive.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
I'm not reading through 522 pages to find the answer I need.

Why do you say you're not going to put a Ranger tree up, yet do, and tell us to go Scion, but not put up the full Scion tree-build?

This makes none, and I cannot be the only one confused.
DestroyPoE wrote:
I'm not reading through 522 pages to find the answer I need.

Why do you say you're not going to put a Ranger tree up, yet do, and tell us to go Scion, but not put up the full Scion tree-build?

This makes none, and I cannot be the only one confused.

[03.00] - Skill Tree & Ascendancies
[03.01] - Scion Ascendant Occultist/Deadeye
[03.02] - Shadow Trickster [HC Option]

That's an excerpt from the Table of Contents... it says the tree is 2.4, but it seems to be 2.5 to me... but the full build is there... the leveling builds at the bottom are the only place I see any Ranger build summary... and that section is for reaching level 50 as a Scion/Ranger/Shadow before you respec out of mana passives when you are ready to go CA finally

@Serleth: I started fiddling with the filter... mostly adding unified borders for the RGB, 6L and Gavel items I religiously pick up and recoloring the medium-tier currencies to more resemble the splinters... its funny how many more scrolls I pick up with a purple/pink border on them than I did before... color matters subconsciously I guess... I mostly did it because I wanted more difference between scrolls and trans and chromes/etc... parsing faster is better, and i pick up transmutes even when im being lazy about scrolls... because they feel more rewarding when they vendor for 4 scrolls
Piros wrote:
i pick up transmutes even when im being lazy about scrolls... because they feel more rewarding when they vendor for 4 scrolls

I honestly find as long as I'm on top of picking up whetstones, transmutes and a reasonable amount of scraps, I can go a long while once I've built up a scroll base before I have to worry about picking up *actual* scrolls again.

Alternately, I just play for awhile where I only worry about good bases and recipe parts, while still focusing on stones/scraps/'mutes. Either way.

DestroyPoE wrote:
Why do you say you're not going to put a Ranger tree up, yet do

I haven't.

and tell us to go Scion, but not put up the full Scion tree-build?

There's an entire section headered with a green highlight entitled "Skill Tree & Ascendancies," complete with a link to the tree nested inside a spoiler, clearly marked "Scion Passive Tree," which, when you open it, centres on the Scion starting position.

So either you blatantly just didn't bother to read, or your confusion is sourced from the fact that "Path of the Ranger" was picked up in the Scion Ascendant tree, which allows us to allocate nodes at the Ranger starting position, and you just figured remarkably that because there's passive nodes at Ranger start, somehow that means it's a Ranger build, even though the tree itself centres on AND highlights the Scion starting position.

Either way, c'mon buddy.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth on Dec 13, 2016, 4:14:05 AM
Hey there, nice looking guide. Couple questions:

1) Do you think this is still potent for farming currency when the new league has already been going on 2 weeks?

2) If we have a 5L bow and our empower is only lvl 1, what do?

3) I feel like I'm really slow when mapping. Do you use neversinks MF filter? Do you customize it at all? Even with that filter on, how do you determine what you pick up and what you skip?

broseidon07 wrote:
Hey there, nice looking guide. Couple questions:

1) Do you think this is still potent for farming currency when the new league has already been going on 2 weeks?

2) If we have a 5L bow and our empower is only lvl 1, what do?

3) I feel like I'm really slow when mapping. Do you use neversinks MF filter? Do you customize it at all? Even with that filter on, how do you determine what you pick up and what you skip?


1) I typically run this build for at least four weeks of a league. Longer, if I'm enjoying the league. Works well the entire three months, because it's always generating consistent currency that isn't anywhere near as dependent on the economic up or downturns a league goes through.

2) Level your Empower elsewhere. CA - VM - RD - Conc - Pierce/Slower Projectiles (Pierce if Drillneck, SP if not).

EDIT: From the FAQ:

First, Slower Proj is your last damage link, before the upgrade to Empower.

However, Empower "4" trumps Slower Proj.

In quotes, because you'll need a raw Empower 4 in a +2 bow, but an Empower 3 in a +3 bow, due to it becoming Empower 4 from the +1 all gems.

Once you have Ascended however, and drop the AoE gem, it's all about the dps. Remember that clear speed is effective IIQ. The faster you can kill shit, the more loot you'll drop. Therefore, in the 5L setup, it's more beneficial to run dps-centric rather than running IIR as your fifth link, because the more things you drop, the more chances you're giving your existing IIR to roll.

3) I use my own. In the video section, there's an inventory and stash management video that covers some of how I go about making my decisions, but it essentially comes down to i) Picking up only one 2h'er per trip, making an exception for bows/staves for their +3 potential ii) grab literally everything else, prioritizing what I'm missing for chaos recipe parts and chrome vends over rares, unless I'm low on alts/jews/fuse and I want to farm those up. Alts are usually 18-20:1c, while chromes are 12:1. Chromes are not only worth more, but you can accumulate more per item slot space than you will alts.

3b) If I'm tired of doing lots of vendor trips and don't feel the pressure of alt-farming, I'll just pick up T1-2 bases. Hubris Circlet, Vaal Regalias, Slink Gloves / Boots, Praetor Crowns, etc.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Last edited by Serleth on Dec 13, 2016, 4:53:54 AM

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