Divination Card Update

I don't get why people are complaining so much about these. I tend to see Divination Cards as an addition that won't change much to my gameplay as I don't farm for currency or items myself, unless I REALLY NEED something for a specific build in which case they might be useful.

The only thing this announcement makes me want to say is: Can we get a nice and organised in-game trading system now pretty please???
Please can we have a card pack (separate from are original stash/loot we can already carry) to stack these in. Makes sense to me...
Return to this flameless sunder
Where exiles burn and the joyless wander;
Frozen lore beneath chaotic thunder,
Dominus returns to send us under.
These cards are absolutely amazing! Brilliant idea that is going to make this game even more addicting!
Shimaran wrote:
No offense but that art is really really out of place. In fact, Divination cards are really out of place.

That's exactly what I think ! Divination cards art is miles away from the atmosphere of the game. And even if it was in PoE's theme, these cards are not pretty. They look like they have been drawn by a 6-year-old children.

loving the art for these cards
WAIT A GOSH DURN MINUTE. You need 5 cards to make one item happen? Damn i missed that somewhere...

Can someone please please PLEASE tell me why i would want low level uniques on div cards when you can buyem off a guy for >=1c?

The drop rates must be extremely high on some of these ie. 5-10x higher than the actual lifesprig, but then again... why?

I understand the x3 chaos card kind-of... but uhh how much is a person going to presumably charge for one of these x3 chaos cards? 1 alch? 4 alts? This completely takes away from its actual value.. Again, the drop rates are hopefully very high..
Very detailed designs, I am looking forward to the other card submissions already as I know that collecting these cards will be a lot of fun :)

But if you guys already have The Hermit:


Why not also use The World, Tarot card? as it is quite influential ;)
Last edited by G3nobee56 on Jun 2, 2015, 9:31:13 AM
i love the art of the divination cards...idk why people complain about that
ckay27 wrote:
Please can we have a card pack (separate from are original stash/loot we can already carry) to stack these in. Makes sense to me...

That would be sick, a spot next to your belt where you can slot in a deck box.
GGG, as a question of loot tables, how are these cards dropping?

Like right now, monsters have their own quan and rarity statistics, followed then by the zone statistics, multiplied out by any player quan and rare and reduced by their level if over leveled.

So, if you are introducing new items that replace currency, but aren't actually currency, why?

Or, if you are AUGMENTING current abysmal drop rates, then i say yay.

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