found Flameblast fun. time to share! [EDITED]

grepman wrote:

1) the novelty of a channeled skill in poe. there simply arent that many of those
2) you arent pushing it to the limit. once you start pushing it, its possible you might find it's extreme snore fest with only fun bits when you dont notice reflect and one shot yourself with it.

(1) is spot-on. Channeled Skills are great because the player has control of every aspect of them, and I'd like to see more of those in the game.

as for (2)... well I think I am already "pushing it to the limit", because I have it in a 6-link (Tabula Rasa), and with gear and a skill tree stacked with elemental damage and AoE.
but I'm far from being bored with it, simply because of the kind of content One-Month Flashback provides on the weekend: hasted Invaders, Exiles and Beyond as far as the eye can see, and then some.

what was initially a "Magnus gave me hell. I'll make a FB Character and give him a taste of his own medicine", turned out - by the end of Merciless - to be one of the best overall gameplay experiences I ever had in PoE, because of Flameblast AND Flashback.
and yes, both are important. it just wouldn't be so much fun, if I didn't use FB and consequently wasn't able to do the crazy stuff I do in Flashback.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun

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