Beta Patch Deployment

SWT has been severely modified anyway
IGN TylordRampage
Go go lockstep
IGN: Ghost_Prototype (100 Shadow - Std)
Remember The Name - Endgame mapping guild. Thread - #1196726
Fracture333 wrote:
GGG, i thought there s gonna be an arctic set discounted and available for purchase after the lightning, infernal, and ghost flame sets. i waited 3 days for the acrtic and then nothing. make it happen, i d buy it :D


I Want the arctic set =(
Dream with me !
Really excited to try this out :)
Been busy with work, but can't wait to check out lockstep when I get a chance.
The gem vendor change is fantastic, and getting completely overshadowed by the lockstep change. Rolling a new character is so much easier, I don't feel so gem starved anymore. There's always something I want, and if there are multiple choices, itscwonderful being able to pick up all of them.
Lockstep is fantastic, no more desync.
God I hope lockstep works for me, time to go find out. but in any case, thanks for trying GGG.


My god it works!, the game has been near unplayable for me since jan/feb 2011, finally I have no desync and I shed a tear...

always had 30-50 ping and it never made any sense why I would be so affected when other were not, now I can play at 1440p with 30 ping and no desync, calls for a celebration.
Last edited by eversorgod on May 19, 2015, 12:02:18 PM
I am not on Beta access , an i am very happy to keep my all progrssion , and don't restarted caracter ervery time !!!
Big kudos to GGG on the lockstep mode, feels awesome in my testing. (66ms ping)

Also on the vendor gems, I like that too. As a melee Shadow start, I felt there was very little offered for me at first, but once I got a few levels it felt decent. I think this is a big step in the right direction though, no more gem poverty on first builds.

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