The Awakening Item Page and Top-Tier Supporter Beta Access

Evarsor wrote:
Hartsai wrote:
Ive personally already given up the chance but the bottom line is that people feel left out, no matter if its right or wrong, or entitled or not. These people who are left out are paying customers and by chance they wont support the game anymore. Maybe the new players supporting will cover the fund loss by the people stopping support. If people were ok with how GGG did the beta, there wouldnt be 69 pages of salty whiners in every post Chris makes.

No matter what they do (short from inviting everyone, which is impossible at this stage) someone will feel left out. The reason we have 69 pages of salty whiners is because we have too many people that need to grow up.

You are right, that's why this kind of beta is terrible idea in my opinion. Instead they should have taken their time to finish the expansion and have another challenge league for 3-4 months. Instead they went ahead and announced act4 way too early (i think it was originally supposed to be released in december 2014). Or have the close beta with beta testers and NDA (no streaming and such).

Ofc its easy for me to say, but I have the feeling that they are losing potential customers, more than they expected. So far they havent done any wrong and have amazing reputation, but its very easy to lose with one mistake.
Expansion isn't finished anyway and you can see everything there is so far on Twitch. There will be some events going on for those who don't get the access and before you know it it's June and everybody's happy. Sure it bothers me a bit I'm not a cool streamer thriving on viewers, or top tier supporter but it's whatever. That's my current point of view.
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ISuckAtGames wrote:
ISuckAtGames wrote:
So, I'm not going to lie, I was really disappointed in the way the Beta access was decided to be given out. I'm a numbers guy. So, if 1,000,000 people signed up for access, my chance of getting in was about 0.17% chance of getting in. The odds of winning some prize in the Mega Millions Lottery is 0.67%. So after over two years of playing, this is very disappointing. I was of course willing to wait and ready to get into Act 4.

However, after today's announcement, I am very displeased and ready to leave altogether. Path Of Exile has always been Free-To-Play until today. This announcement sets the standard of "if you have a ton of money and donate it, you get special {In Game} perks. Yes, playing the Beta (regardless of character wipe) is an In-Game advantage. Now that the announcement has been made that people with money can get in, this game has lost the ground that it stood on for so long.

As a blue collared employee, a future husband, and homeowner, I do not have the extra cash to throw around. I have however managed to spend around $400 for this game. At this point, charge me $60 just like every other game and give me the same opportunity as everyone else.

Thanks GGG for letting us that cant afford thousands of dollars down.

I suggest you man up and start acting like an employee, future husband and homeowner then.. because the way how you and others here make drama over a CLOSED Beta key "advantage" is just pathethic.

It's a CLOSED BETA ffs.. a couple years ago people didn't even think of getting in one and nowadays everyone thinks closed beta means they should earn immediate access.

Really? My stance is not about getting in or not getting in. You sir are obviously a donkey who is blinded by your own stupidity. It is about the fact that GGG has stood beside the saying "Free To Play". This is considered an In-Game advantage that someone has paid for. If you don't agree with that, then you sir are an idiot. If you play the game, can use the tree, can use the skill gems, can use the jewels, can "practice", experience the boss fights, etc...then you will have an advantage once the game was released. I was okay with the streamers getting their keys. Hell, I follow Ziggy, Pohx, and Nugi. I watched most of Ziggy's 16+ hour stream. Did I learn some things from him sure. Did I get the experience with running the content and new mechanics, no. I had no problem with the random draw for access. Yes it sucks that the % chance to get in was low. What I have a problem with is the fact that selected groups of people who have more money than others (See WoW, Diablo 3 {with auction house}, Hearthstone, and all other pay to win games) will get the valuable experience with the new content. So before you go judging someone sitting behind your computer screen, it may help to read or at least be literate. Have a great day JA.

I can read and am literate so here comes my judgement of you; You feel that if you have 'real life' commitments - a wedding to pay for, and a home to maintain (and i assume a mortgage) that you, and other's in your sitatuion, because somehow attempting to affiliate yourself with others makes your arguement more valid, but anyway i digress, somehow become entitled to the product, and yes, its is entitlement, if you can't see that then perhaps you don't understand the word as well as you believe you do. This isn't the case. GGG set an entry threshold (as they have in the past), that you didn't meet. Would you go in to a shop, pick out something to buy, get to the counter realize you couldn't afford the item then demand them to lower the price? Since that is exactly what you are doing here ...
Just a thought,

I don't know how much I already "donated" in form of supporter packs/in game things... But it doesn't matter for me. I did it at that time because I had the money and I love to play the game. Had nothing to do with future benefits or anything, just wanted the game to be able to keep going. And I really think that GGG did here the right thing to give access to the most "generous" supporters (even if I am not one of them).

After all it is still a FREE game and everybody will have their access soon enough. So please stop bitching.

One last point. I am a developer myself (in medical technologies though), and I guarantee you that a lot of decisions you make are not popular but necessary to achieve the proper result. Like here to give limited people access at first.

So please chill and be hyped for some more weeks.

See you in game

Hartsai wrote:
Evarsor wrote:
Hartsai wrote:
Ive personally already given up the chance but the bottom line is that people feel left out, no matter if its right or wrong, or entitled or not. These people who are left out are paying customers and by chance they wont support the game anymore. Maybe the new players supporting will cover the fund loss by the people stopping support. If people were ok with how GGG did the beta, there wouldnt be 69 pages of salty whiners in every post Chris makes.

No matter what they do (short from inviting everyone, which is impossible at this stage) someone will feel left out. The reason we have 69 pages of salty whiners is because we have too many people that need to grow up.

You are right, that's why this kind of beta is terrible idea in my opinion. Instead they should have taken their time to finish the expansion and have another challenge league for 3-4 months. Instead they went ahead and announced act4 way too early (i think it was originally supposed to be released in december 2014). Or have the close beta with beta testers and NDA (no streaming and such).

Ofc its easy for me to say, but I have the feeling that they are losing potential customers, more than they expected. So far they havent done any wrong and have amazing reputation, but its very easy to lose with one mistake.

Well, if they are, or they aren't its irrelevant to me and you. It's something they would have planned for, and have some sort of 'risk assessment' in place. They have already mentioned events being set up, but people seem to skim over that part and jump straight on to hating on them for giving keys out to individuals.
Last edited by Evarsor on Apr 23, 2015, 9:24:20 AM
We wouldn't be watching twitch if we didn't have a choice. #NotImportantEnoughForBeta #GettingShitOn
I like this move especially since the supporter packs are no longer available making it impossible to buy into beta. I think it's as fair as it gets of course there will always be people left out of the beta that will get salty but that's just the way a closed beta works, they have to draw the line somewhere.

Xerker wrote:
We wouldn't be watching twitch if we didn't have a choice. #NotImportantEnoughForBeta #GettingShitOn

How are you getting shit on? It's not like you were ever promised priority in future betas when buying your stuff is it?. They have to draw the line somewhere.
Last edited by Tomtah on Apr 23, 2015, 9:29:05 AM
Nice surprise ggg, appreciate it.
Tomtah wrote:
I like this move especially since the supporter packs are no longer available making it impossible to buy into beta. I think it's fair of course there will always be people left out of the beta that will get salty but that's just the way a closed beta works.

+1 Only way to have done this correctly!
noun: escapism

the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.
No beta key for Masters Supporter Pack =( ? We're almost grandmasters... y-y
Dream with me !

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