WARCRY discussion thread

gilrad wrote:
Boem wrote:

@ gilrad, Cwdt was introduced because enduring cry was not reliable because of server/client sync.
you could be stunned prior/during EC animation, this would give the impression you have EC's on client side, while server side you had not.

My point was, prior to cwdt, all everyone really wanted was to be able to cast EC while in the middle of another action without having to stop and play the cast animation or have to worry about any other attack/cast animations finishing.

cwdt fixed that, but at the same time it further pushed the game in the "one-button wonder" territory.

Finally addressing this would only be positive for the game.

I don't disagree, but one could argue that Cwdt allowed melee to come closer to ranged viability.

When you take an old melee character, he was required to manually cast EC, maybe even a totem/curse or molten shell and then after all of this, continue with his assault, while a ranged needed nothing of the above and was already two packs further then the melee in the same time-frame.

I actually enjoyed the strategical play involved with manual EC casting and totems etc, they gave a whole other feeling to "casting a curse/totem" they felt somewhat like power-moves that changed the outcome of a battle as opposed to know where they are seen as irrelevant.

However when we see where the game is going, it comes natural to me to allow these added ability's to perform on a similar level like CWDT + EC simply to not make melee fall back to it's old routines and as such take a step back when compared with ranged.

Either this has to be allowed or ranged has to be reigned in. I would love for the later to become a reality, where rangers actually have to kite stuff around a map even with excellent gear etc, but i feel that this might no longer be realistic. People have gotten to used to the kill-speed, without realizing what they are preventing to happen while holding on to these concepts.

For instance, if kill-speed/hour was heavily reduced across the board rewards could be upped to compensate and have a similar reward ratio while offering far more complex battles in general.
But i fear not everybody desires a good fight in there free-spare-time, but rather a brain dead experience of slaughter and picking up penny's.



(apologies for slight side-track while still relevant to the OP)
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
If it is attractive to use with CWDT, then I just consider it another skill failure. I'd vastly prefer something not meant to be spammed and is thus more powerful. I don't want another enduring cry linked up to CWDT.

I think it would be good for alternative choices - currently probably every build uses CWDT + enduring cry + immortal call. Would be nice if there were more comparable options.
I just wonder where I'm going to fit all these new gems.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.

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