HD and VD

Hermit, I have yet to see all of my land. Got 13 acres of heavy woods going uphill and its not easy working your way through it.

My kid hunts it and says we have a lot of oak, but I really only care about the three acres I tend to.

The way I know I have several nut trees is from all the shells the squirrels left in the walls. Not really sure where the hickory is, but its around.

But what I really love is we have lilac everywhere that blooms at different times and in different colors.
My backyard

And in the summer
Ya, ever watch the squirrels burying the nuts and find trees growing there in the spring? I always thought it a riot. 'Course you just mow them off and they don't grow, but still...

With all that woods you must also have some waterways. I've always enjoyed trekking though the woods. Go 'shroom hunting. I bet you might find an awesome cache of morels. No mistaking them for anything else If I remember right.

Love the lilac, honeysuckle, iris. Do you have those five fingered leafy vines that turn bright red in the fall? So pretty. Might even find wild concord grapes... they make the best jelly.

I seriously don't miss the poison ivy, so allergic to that. Put me in the hospital once.
ooof, ded.
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
We got that vine and I hate it. But is beautiful weather n the fall.

The poison ivy is around, but its one of the few things I'm not allergic to. Worse is the fucking ticks. They're the main reason I stay out of the heavy woods.

I don't eat mushrooms, but I have given some away. Had a huge Hen of the Woods once. Guess it was worth some money.

Edit: that's my thin strip of land almost straight ahead.
The view where the Millers river flows into the Connecticut River. About a mile from my place.
Man, those ticks... I've had good results treating infected bites with DSMO but YMMV. Had a dog that died of Lyme Disease. They just creep me out. Been known to freak out when finding one on me and throwing it across the room only to have it later crawling up my leg. It's just a blood sucking spider. Gives me shivers just thinking about it.

Apply fire, there is a very satisfying pop when you do this. Not while it's still attached of course.

There is a story in my family where a tick was placed in a mason jar and survived for several yrs with no food.

Once found a Hen of the Woods in the city park across from my apartment at the time but was reluctant to partake due to being so close to the road. Was a magnificent specimen.

Ya, those sorts of shrooms are worth dollars, they can't be cultivated. Even just renting the ability to hunt shrooms on your property could be profitable.
All this talk about shrooms is giving me flashbacks and night terrors.

"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

^ the first time I realised I was middle aged was when I realised that I thought of snow as cold and wet rather than fun and exciting.
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I saw snow for the first time just before I turned 12. Hated it then, hate it now.

Spring, Summer and Fall in New England are amazing. Winter sucks static filled balls.

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