

What the fuck is this shit and why do I like it?
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What the fuck is this shit and why do I like it?

Canadian thrash assault!

If you ask a stupid question, expect stupid answers.
If you post a troll thread, expect troll replies.

Anyone would do well to listen to this at least once before going into OT.
Or any part of the forum, on that account.
If you ask a stupid question, expect stupid answers.
If you post a troll thread, expect troll replies.

Anyone would do well to listen to this at least once before going into OT.
Or any part of the forum, on that account.

Now, back on topic.

If you ask a stupid question, expect stupid answers.
If you post a troll thread, expect troll replies.
Construct a rational and consistent moral framework. Including values which can be plugged into an algorithm to weigh the 'better' of possible actions.

i was a part of an lgbtq activism group not too long ago, and by extension, involved in gender equality as well. personally their style of extremism never fit too well with me - i'm naturally a person who wants to weigh all options, facts, and experiences before coming to a conclusion so it was rather frequent that my peers brand me as somebody who wasn't really on their side, that when i was asking question in order to ascertain the reasons behind an opinion or decision, that i was 'concern trolling' etc.

you must be affiliated in the stem field i assume? something programming related? i wasn't always this way but the more i delved into using computers and programming the more i found myself at a certain peace with them. computers don't argue with you, computers don't blame each other for the world's problems. but that's exactly why. they aren't called feelers, they're called computers. and the moment i came to that epiphany i reached a rather [immature] conclusion - that i don't want to feel emotions to come to conclusions anymore. i want to use logic and instructions to solve a moral quandary. but in my experiences feigning the role of lt cmdr data to 'fix' the issues of gender/sexual activism, i found that is it nearly impossible. morals cannot be construed in a mathematical or logical framework. a large amount of concepts like gender, although most attempt to fit it into a binary enumeration, is stated by others positivist experiences as anything but.


1. Algorithms are well-ordered.
2. Algorithms have unambiguous operations.
3. Algorithms have effectively computable operations.
4. Algorithms produce a result.
5. Algorithms halt in a finite amount of time.

the general tenets of an algorithm in the programming space.

human morals don't fit in most of these rules mostly because of snag #3. the parametres of most morals aren't quantifiable. let's take for example black and white. in the virtual realm it's very simple because black is #000 and white is #fff. but once you attach some connotation behind the two it becomes more complex than hexidecimality. you can't assign being black (of african descent) a greater numerical value than being white. and because of that, discussions turn sour (#1), lead people to polar extremes (#2), produce a result (albeit the wrong one in everyone's eyes) (#4), and for the most part are never stamped out in history, always becoming a thorn in progress (ie. racism in the states) (#5).
Last edited by Juicebox360 on Jan 10, 2015, 2:24:42 PM
Juicebox360 wrote:

the parametres of most morals aren't quantifiable.

I disagree. Iv spent a considerable amount of time on the subject. Most things we consider part of a morals can be broken into even smaller pieces. Those indivisible pieces can be given a numeric value. Those values may be arbitrary at first, but as you compare them to one another in the context of the goals of your system than they can be given relational weight amongst each other. And from there its just a mathematical problem.

Juicebox360 wrote:

you can't "give" being black (of african descent) a greater numerical value than being white. and because of that, discussions turn sour (#1), lead people to polar extremes (#2), produce a result (albeit the wrong one in everyone's eyes) (#4), and for the most part are never stamped out in history, always becoming a thorn in progress (ie. racism in the states) (#5).

Objectively there are real differences in the genetics of different races. Superiority of one genetic lineage over another is logically sound, but only in incredibly specific aspects and context. Yet the complexity of genetics as a whole is well beyond the ability of our limited intelligence to precisely weigh in the context of our even more astoundingly complex environment.

But i dont think that is what you were aiming at. I think you were saying that some groups of people have moral values that include some variables other groups dont. And i agree. Any system that doesnt perfectly align with a specific persons values will be viewed negatively and met with skepticism and hostility.

But with a properly objective set of values, I think it will shed light on the biases we have which are unfair and outright wrong.

Most importantly of all; we need an algorithmic moral code(completely without contradiction) to guide and restrain synthetic intelligence. Even if there is a considerable amount of guesswork, it can be incorporated into the formula as chance of error. Subject to later revisions to lessen that error with updated values. You might think its sci-fi, but its coming. And soon.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Last edited by SkyCore on Jan 10, 2015, 3:06:03 PM

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