[1.3 bloodlines 2h Mace] Need more Static Strike Threads

Ooooh finally people who knows what they are talking about !
No multistrike ? I love this thread already :D

My build, for torment :

My stuff :

As you can see, I use leap slam to generate endurance charges and move around, it's a great setup that removes the need for a low level cwdt. I still have a high level enduring cry with my cwdt setup, just to get an extra second or two if immortal call goes up when I have no charges.

I have something like 5,3k life, 18,5k dps, 20k+ with frenzy charges, but I usually don't bother with blood rage degen. Vaal pact makes it rather safe versus reflect, and this is without using my curse.
Yes, I don't curse. There's just no need. But it's still very nice to have it, when facing double ele reflect or stuff like that. Flasks + warlord's mark = no problem.
Get Vaal pact guys, I don't see any reason not too (regen kinda sucks imo) !
The belt may seems weird, but I kinda enjoy the reduced damage from critical, I also got some from the tree, so crits do 50% less extra damage. Pretty good when you have to be melee range. A good rare rustic sash would probably be better overall, but I have yet to find one.
Cynry wrote:

Also a bit greedy...
You're not taking the life start just to avoid the 1.8% regen node?
I'd probably invest all points in life from now on.


Get Vaal pact guys, I don't see any reason not too (regen kinda sucks imo) !

I love regen. Simply love it.
I don't even need life leech (and don't need the gem, too) with my ~500 life/sec.
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Dude I play torment, of course I'm greedy ^^ I planned to respec to the life start endgame, I am still trying to figure out what would be best. But so far I feel safe enough (as in, I don't die. 2 sec freeze after opening a box on my toaster ? Not dead. Double ele reflect in yolo mode ? Still not dead...) that keeping damage seems reasonnable. But I agree that in the end, the armor+life is more worth than the puny 30/40% increased dmg.

I guess instant leech vs regen is a matter of preference, but weren't you that guy that has to play safe vs reflect in the other marohi static striker thread ? Because once again, with vaal pact, you wouldn't have to. 500/s means shit when you hit for 10k 2 times a sec in AoE...
Edit : although I guess it makes more sense in bloodlines since you have to play safe either way..

Also, question to you all who have taken the 5% to inflict status ailment. Did you find that it makes a big difference ? That's the last point I took, and I'm really not convinced... Considering I could respec all the point to get there to fi the scion life wheel, it doesn't seem to bring much to the table...
Last edited by Cynry on Dec 29, 2014, 9:58:44 AM
Cynry wrote:

I guess instant leech vs regen is a matter of preference, but weren't you that guy that has to play safe vs reflect in the other marohi static striker thread ? Because once again, with vaal pact, you wouldn't have to. 500/s means shit when you hit for 10k 2 times a sec in AoE...
Edit : although I guess it makes more sense in bloodlines since you have to play safe either way..

Yeah, it's a bloodlines thing.
I play very carefully, don't jump into crowds of monsters or hit monsters that I haven't judged (do they have reflect? What's their BL mod?)
And I hate not having regen (full life all day), maps with desecrated/burning ground without regen are annoying as fuck.
I don't play ele reflect maps, it's simple as that.
Normal ele reflect can easily be handled.


Also, question to you all who have taken the 5% to inflict status ailment. Did you find that it makes a big difference ? That's the last point I took, and I'm really not convinced... Considering I could respec all the point to get there to fi the scion life wheel, it doesn't seem to bring much to the table...

For the shock alone:
Not worth it.
You won't even notice.

For shock + HoT + Curse on hit + Conductivity:
Totally worth it.
It's like a "perpetuum mobile", once it starts rolling (and you really only need the 5% for this), it doesn't stop and gives sweet bonus damage.
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Noticed you don't get IR in the tree, why not?
Because I don't use the Grace aura.
And because I only use Armor gear.

So why would I spend 5 skillpoints to turn nothing into nothing?
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
I thought there was a big gain in possible Armour when you use EV/AR pieces over just Armour pieces, probably not worth the 5 points if there isn't.
To gain Armor, you would need 3 armor/evasion prefixes.

+% armor&evasion

Unfortunatly, +maximum life is also a prefix.
So I actually don't want to wear such gear. ;)

So there is no real gain from IR. And even if I would wear some Evasion gear, I'd still not invest 5 skillpoints for a little bit better armor rating. ;)
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519

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