1.3.0 Patch Notes

Weeeeeeeeeeeee, I can make a non-crit non-block build without being bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like a lot of people will be quitting because of this patch
The QQ is real

All the crit block FOTM builds flooding the forums with their tears.
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard
woah lots of nerfs
GGG please explain why have you nerfed melee since 1.1. Life leech killed, armour dosent work, max res nodes removed from tree, Desync is still the same, Block killed, all melee gems scale of weapons and not of gem leveling, acro killed. To top it off if you dont go crit you cant dps WTF.
Theres a heavy shitstorm coming. A brewin.
At least make acuity legacy, or its gonna be insane slap in the face for ppl who wasted time getting them(like me).
20% effectiveness over VP, seriously?
No totems buff, only nerf.
SRS nerf.
Joined mid-rampage as my first league, and now all the builds Ive played got totally rekt.
y u h8 me so much, guys?
Yikes, I can't see how anyone looks at these patch notes, absolutely filled with negative changes for players, as something that motivates them to play.
The new crit multi gem... at level 20 it is going to be about as good as a lvl 5 crit multi gem from 1.2
ChaosDamage19 wrote:
I feel like a lot of people will be quitting because of this patch

Oh I'm still playing until a good game that rivals it comes out until then yeah I'm stuck playing this.

I won't be supporting them anymore for sure.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
path of flameblast this league. How do u not nerf fb prolif? I think i may just skip this league with all the other games i have to play these days. No reason to pull me back in. Not a good pathc
P.S. How do u literaly nerf the Crit dmg gem almost in half at level 20.
IGN camkhaos

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