Black Friday Weekend Sale: 50% off ALL Microtransactions

Bought more stash. Thanks, GGG!
At last...after being patient for so long...I finally get the Lightning Scorpion pet on discount. That and a few others that I couldn't get before because they were generally too expensive, plus a few additional armor sets and other stuffs as well. FINALLY had a reason to spend my backlog of THESE are the prices these transactions should have been at from the start. So good. :D
elvy wrote:
Meridin wrote:

I wanted more empty tabs so I could organize my shop items better, but instead I got "new" tabs that were already full of items, so I feel like I didn't gain any space. That's why I'm disappointed. All my tabs are still full even after I just bought six new tabs.

You are of course aware that you're whining about GGG's altruism of not simply deleting the 'temporary, remove-only' tabs after a month or so. They were intended to make it easy for you to transfer your items when a non permanent league ends, not as free stash space.

You're exploiting the fact that these remove-only tabs don't have an expiration timer on them. Well and good. Please don't act entitled about it though, it's obnoxious.

I don't think this have anything to do about altruism. It was a design decision to keep the items from the challenge leagues to the permanent leagues. They could make a timer for the stash tabs (but then that would unfair for the people who had a break and returned back to the game), they could not transfer the items at all, or they could even delete your character.

I like the fact that the effort I have put through to get these items and characters is not lost. The problem here is that it is not communicated to the buyer, that new stash tabs will upgrade remove only stash tabs if they exist to normal tabs (or premium if that's what you bought).

And what was the point of the decision to upgrade remove tabs to normal? To punish "bad people" who "abused" a design decision they made? They probably knew that people would do that. So what does this accomplishes? Theoretically it accomplishes that it gives you motivation to buy even more tabs. But people who can afford to buy that many tabs, will probably do so anyway. People like me who just wanted a bit more space and are not willing to buy 30 stash tabs because yolo, do not have motivation to buy more of them now.

I am grateful that GGG does these deals and I like the game etc. But I was really surprised that they decided to do this.
What kind of madness am I looking at here while I sip my morning coffee?
Well, there goes all my points. Black Friday in Wraeclast. w00t!!! Thanks GGG!
Grandmaster upgrade sucessful. This madness made me do it.

My wallet hates you now GGG but i'm buying micros laughing like a madman.
daaaayyymm... One week ago, suddenly I decided to buy another supporter pack. Just, my heart told me to that. I had no plan what to do with points. So, I didn't spend the points... then... dat discount...

cheers guys! <3
oh boi, i have over 50 remove only tabs
my wallet t_t
Have you ever considered accepting Bitcoin for these microtransactions? I would be more keen to purchase something from time to time using it. Thanks for the occasion anyway, gonna buy my first few stashes. :D
Last edited by xDarkTemplar on Nov 28, 2014, 10:53:33 AM

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