No Block/Ev Animation

There are block animations. They play in place of a stun animation if you block a hit that causes stun. They don't play otherwise because that would make blocking a negative thing since it would interrupt what you were doing - same for evasion, in addition to the technical limitations already mentioned in the thread.
Mark_GGG wrote:
They don't play otherwise because that would make blocking a negative thing since it would interrupt what you were doing

I remember those situations from Diablo 1. Those blocklock situation were really awkward.
Plus, if there were block/eva animations, your char would just look like they have epilepsy.
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Antnee wrote:
Plus, if there were block/eva animations, your char would just look like they have epilepsy.
i love you
Antnee wrote:
Plus, if there were block/eva animations, your char would just look like they have epilepsy.

Wonder how would that look like in-game
PoE-TradeMacro -
ExileTrade -
Better tell me when will be fixed animation BUG where character run around without animation, I call it "snowboard" bug, funny but also MOBS affected by it as well. It exist for few years now.
IGN: MsAnnoyance
Ive seen my character block some weird stuff. He once blocked a devourer bursting out of the ground by crouching behind his buckler. Granted my character is a straight up ninja, so anything makes sense with this guy.
Animating block would nerf melee max block builds to the point of being completely useless. It's already a significant DPS tradeoff so things are fine as-is.

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