PoE Shops Indexer — search for items with ease

No way to search for "% increased attack damage" on armor/evasion shields
Poe.Trade doesn't search this query (http://poe.trade/search/atahimoyaukari ) correctly. Please , test it.
Missing "% more Melee Physical Damage during effec" Lion's Roar Mod
you're my only hope. Show some love for spectre summoners. Is it possible to search for "Area is inhabited by Solaris fanatics" and "Lunar" map mods? Just like 'Inhabited by demons ... etc"? Because buying those is pain, and we had enough pain already
I really need help. I got my personal URL/code from poexyzis and tryed to login to manage my shop but the URL isn't working.
I also let my friend try it on his PC (his URL is working) but with the same outcome.
When I enter my personal URL in the empty field above login and click to login I just get the login-site over and over again.
So because my URL doesn't even work on a PC where another URL does should I get a new one?
We need "Area is Inhabited by Lunar Fanatics" in the mods Dropdown list for maps please

it is missing

here is a screenshot of what the mod looks like

Last edited by Dextera on Aug 29, 2017, 7:25:33 PM
Yes, please! Summoners NEED a way to search for Lunaris/Solaris Fanatics mods, since most of the better spectres in 3.0 come from them. Currently the only way to find Frost Sentinels in maps is through the Lunar mod, which is a massive pain. I've spent hours looking through hundreds of maps trying to find ones rolled with Lunaris Fanatics. :(
Hey i wanted to buy on poe.trade and whispered him the item. ([Removed by Support] is his name)

When we did the trade he had traded them out for much worse legendary boots.

After that he just keept trolling me, and linked the other boots i wanted to buy.

He than banned me from his hideout, but stayed in party and answered me.

IS there anything to do?
Last edited by Ben_GGG on Aug 30, 2017, 7:47:13 PM
Your site uses ip, this ip is blocked in Russia, all users from Russia can not use the site, could you change ip?
Lock information: https://reestr.rublacklist.net/search/?q=
I wonder if you're filtering your results based on the account's last active league? I've messaged multiple people this league in HHC and they say they're no longer playing it or are now playing with friends in HSC.

This would eliminate items being advertised for leagues that people aren't actively playing in. Hell, people might actually respond more if that's the case.

How I think it would be done: In your account table (I assume you already have one), assign the last known league to each account, then for each tab received from API - update account league if it differs. You can then filter all item results based on the relationship of the item owned by the user and the users active league by "AND Account.LastKnownLeague = selectedLeague" or similar.

Food for thought?

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