[1.3] Chin Sol trapper [Bloodlines 65] (rip Beyond lvl 87 )

This build revolves around proliferating ignite with a trapped Burning Arrow.

Budget build, excellent for starting new HardCore leagues.

In this guid you will find:
- Current progress in [1.3] Bloodlines and important testing done in [1.2] a week before launch.
- Compleet build in the Beyond section.

The Chin Sol Bow requires a level of 66. Use any solid leveling build to get there.
On Beyond I started with Firetrap/searingbond to levelup and converted later into Burning Arrow. Here's a guide how to level up with Searingbond in HC leagues

Melting end game maps like a hot knife through butter.


Courtyard - Twinned & Immune to curse Testing for 1.3 on standard 1.2
Comments on boss room fight: Traps that did not score a direct hit where quickly destroyed by all the projectiles flying around. Incomming damage only stunned me 1 time.

Palace - Easy modsTesting for 1.3 on standard 1.2
Comments on map run: No hard packs encoutered. compleet roll over. Evangelist / flickerstrikers make a real difference to difficulty. Notice how the searingbond does plenty dmg to kill packs.
Comments on boss fight: The ignite duration is ridiculous, so in the lightning phase you just have to hit and then safely hide. You have anough armor and certainly with granite to face tank stage2 dominus.

Palace - WhiteMoM EB AA -Testing for 1.3 on standard 1.2
Did not have the gear to run AA lvl 17 effectively, dropping anger for a mana pool MoM caused my dmg to be too low. Simply didnt have the mana regen + damage gear. Extra area of effect seems nice; and 40% will be future goal. Conclusion; Skill tree walks close to MoM, so no cloak of deviance needed. If you got the mana regen gear this will work just fine.

Courtyard Pierce CurseOnHit Drillneck -Testing for 1.3 on standard 1.2
No longer budget Chin Sol. Love the CurseonHit. This is where you end this build and move on to OP PewPew Pnwzor builds. You have hoarded the currency with your budget chin sol, had your fun, time to move on.

Shipyard Pierce CurseOnHit Drillneck NOTRAP-Testing for 1.3 on standard 1.2
This is where the core of Burning Arrow lies. Direct damage. no more traps. Note that even targets not inside "close range from chin sol" die from the damage. Here you get a taste what direct crit burning arrow is like. Not with a Chin Sol but probably with a harbinger bow. Reflect damage can be severe because of pierce. Easy anough to fix by just dropping pierce on burning arrow. We're way way passed budged Chin Sol build, but good to see there is always room for growth and improvement with this build.

Shipyard Pierce CurseOnHit BlackGleam-Testing for 1.3 on standard 1.2
Works good anough. Although the skill nodes trap dmg & phys bow % dmg ain't as good as % Elemental double dipping damage. Black gleam is best for critting burning arrow.

Shipyard BlackGleam Shocking & Igniting-Testing for 1.3 on standard 1.2
Used LightningTrap and a trapped shocknova. Because of mana issues needed some tweaking here and there, easiest way was by just dropping the anger aura. Felt like having unlimited vaal lightning trap charges. really impressive. I see nice possibilities here for 1.3 skill node Celestial Punishment.

Shipyard EE & BlackGleam Shocking & Igniting-Testing for 1.3 on standard 1.2
All abit over the top. Damage was nice but Defenses suffered. Skill rotation got too long to make effective use of EE.

[1.3] Bloodline League

I'm getting there. Found a geofri's mace on xyz for 2c so i went leapslam route. Currently farming sarn on merc.

Gear is rock solid.

bow is rdy!

lvl 68 DC ripped on Obelisk Pack when doing respec quests :(, aah the pain, was just about to equip my bow.

Skill Tree bloodlines

Ripped Gear

[1.3] plans

After acquiring a 6link i hot fixed the extra mana cost with a couple mana skill nodes.

=testing tree standard 1.2 (105 pnt)

=puzzle tree 1.3 (105 pnt)

sorry for poor quality but it bottles down to this:

1.3 vs 1.2
1.3 got 6% more elemental dmg versus 1.2 (165 vs 159)
1.3 got 5% more chance to ignite then 1.2 (20 vs 15)
1.3 penetrates 3% more fire resis then 1.2 (5 vs 2)
1.3 got 32% more increased% life then 1.2 (172 vs 140)
1.3 got 16% more increased armor then 1.2 (162 vs 146)
1.3 got 30% increased damage to shocked/ignite/frozen targets.

1.3 got 9% less @all resis then 1.2 (23 vs 32)
1.3 got 40%less mana regen then 1.2 (20 vs 60)

For 1.3 to achieve the same stats as 1.2
You will have used aproximately 8+ less skill nodes.

Things to try
1- Ramp up the damage some with a 6L and see how fast this build can clear.

Once you get 5link, it's always a choice between WED and Firepenetration. Now you can have both. It's awesome, and 5k dmg with fire penetration is all you need for solo maps 78 to one shot packs.

2- Take more AoE nodes. (witch / carcass anough defenses?) How does the game play feel then

Done, feels like 40% AoE is a sweet spot compared to 20% AoE. 40% Will be future goal in builds.

3-Take Mind over matter and test survivability with huge mana & life regen. (might become templar)

Tried this on templar. took the skill nodes: Body and Soul, Eldritch Battery, Mind over matter. Had 3k mana, was running lvl 17 arctic armor. But i did not have any good mana regen gear with phys/fire/WED. Had to remove the arctic armor during the boss fight for mana lol. Removed Anger so i could have a big free mana pool to soak up some damage. the dmg topend was 4k, and thats abit low for 78 solo maps. wanna have atleast 5+k on top end. The extra AoE nodes was really nice though.

Tree Templar EB & MoM 1.3 (110 pnt)

Conclusion; Skill tree walks close to MoM, so no cloak of deviance needed. If you got the mana regen gear this will work just fine. Rejuvination potions ftw.

4- Split arrow curse on hit with loads of pierce. Drillneck. GG gear. Compare with no trap gem.


Kinda completely over the top for a budget build Chin Sol.... but heck still interesting to see.

Tree Marauder New= Iron Reflexes & Pierce (105 pnt)

Direct dmg Burning Arrow without the trap is where the pwnadge is. But requires alot of gear to pull it off. We did loose some %ignite chance. And shooting blancs still hurts. Pierce does compensate when firing into large packs that are cursed with flamability....but only compensates little.

5- Split arrow curse on hit with loads of pierce. Drop avatar of fire and top skill nodes for a black gleam.

Good fun, missing some double dip %fire nodes. But when you do anough damage anyways, trap or phys % bow skill nodes will do just fine.
Seems that when you got the gear it kinda doesnt matter what kind of specific details you finish this build with. I only got 20% AoE... reminder for myself... really need 40%+

6- Proliferate not only ignite but also SHOCK!

I kept using the Black Gleam so my lightning source would not be converted into fire by skill node Avatar of Fire.

Tried 2 lightning sources:
1) Lightning Trap + Added lightning (chance to shock) + Multi trap + Prolif
mana cost was too heavy (80+ mana) for current setup. It did shock nicely.

2) Low lvl quality Nova - Trap - qual added light (added shock chance)- Prolif
Oh yeah low level nova did shock good.

Then I removed Grace aura and tried the Lightning Trap again. It did wonders. I see nice possibilities here for 1.3 skill node Celestial Punishment. I gues leveled shocknova + multi traps would have an impressive effect as well.

Game play feels like having unlimited charges on your Vaal Lightning Trap.

Tested the following with Templar.
How to make more use of the "free" 10% chance to shock you get in 1.3
and the increased 30% damage from targets with a status ailment.

-40% increased AoE
-BLack Gleam
-Trapped skill with lightning damage
- Trapped burning Arrow

So alternating traps.
My skill rotation would be like: 1) Curse 2) shock 3) ignite 4) shock and let them die from burn.

In theory the target that's going to get ignited........would get
1) +50% More from Shock
2) 30% Increased damage from Celestial punishment.
3) -50% fire resis from EE

=Templar tree 1.3 EE BlackGleam Shock(106 pnt)

So played around with this, with these finsings:

1) My defenses suffered horribly for the new skill tree. I could try remedy that with respeccing.
2) The long rotation is sucha hastle: One Two Three Four bunch. Rather just stick to the classic One Two punch; ie Curse and Ignite.
3) Damage is alrdy over the top. the extra didnt bring much extra. The bodies on the ground where proliferating insane burns though. It will be good for party play.

Lightningtrap seems to shock nicely although duration wasn't very long. solution could be a quality shock nova. But you rarely need the extra damage. Just sticking to the Vaal lightning trap will be more then anough damage boost for the occasional need.

Conclusion: Stick to tanky mode with a vaal lightning trap is the way to go.

Conclusions This far.

- AoE skill nodes 40% minimum.
- Take CurseonHit split arrow when you have additional curses. (probably will loose searingbond then)
- Templar for EB & MoM & AA works, but very gear dependend. So not really worth it for this budget build.
- When combined with black gleam you can take advantage from Celestial Punishment with lightning traps that proliferate shock. Although the occasional Vaal lightning trap will do the trick just fine.

[1.2] Beyond lvl 87

Build seems pretty much finished. Last level dinged I did not get below 40% of my life soloing end game maps.

11k+ armor & ~5k life
Burning arrow 1988-4913 Fire dmg (penetrating 38% fire resistance)
Searingbond 5489 Fire dmg/second
All resis max % and overcapped.
chaos res 50%

Ripped on Poorjoy's Asylum map from zana quest.
(140 to 160)% increased Monster Life (140 to 160)% increased Monster Damage
25% increased Monster Movement Speed & Attack Speed & Cast Speed
***Doh!*** Gues i should not have done that with beyond mobs.

Anyway that represents my state of mind at the time. I felt really really confident doing that map with nasty mods and beyond mobs.

Right now I'm doing some testing on standard pre patch 1.3. I've played a GG ranger on rampage with crit burning arrow (build: Smokin'). I'd like to see how this old beyond build compares to that ranger crit burning arrow. If it feels good anough, ill try finetune this for Bloodlines Hardcore Challenge League.

So why not just start a split arrow / tornado shot / puncture ranger? -> well i like the whole trap thing and hopefully it'll prevent me from ripping on lvls 40-70 (crit reflect). The crit BA ranger can never be matched by this marauder for sure (for 3 mayor factors: 1] no "chance to ignite gem" needed 2] huge crit multiplier 3] no Acrobatics), but it will take alot of gear. I want my first character to reach end game, and I know it's way easier to achieve with this marauder build. One example: Start new league it's important to alchemy all boxes like gemcutters. And to open those it will be way saver with this trapper.

This build's Tree has seen 2 major versions.
A Drillneck: Pierce & clever construction
B Resis quiver & AoE nodes located near Templar

To have max resis overcapped by another 40% is really nice; you can run elemental weakness curse maps. It will also give safety in maps where you get cursed the normal way. This convinced me to eventually go route B. However pierce is highly effective for burning arrow (second chances to ignite) AND does wonders for split arrow curse on hit. So when you reach end game there are still large improvements to be made; more resis = room for -> pierce & double curse that will all result in more pwnadge. Icing on the cake will be a quiver with +1 arrows fired.

This build revolves around proliferating ignite with burning Arrow.

The trap makes close range [=MORE dmg] viable, ie you dont have to stand toe to toe with the nasties.

So you got a crazy amount of damage sources 9!?!?!
[1 str/phys%, 2 flat dmg, 3 trap dmg, 4 close target dmg, 5 shockedground dmg, 6 elemental/fire% dmg, 7 burning% dmg, 8 %weapon elemental dmg, 9 optional %pierce dmg from drillneck]
some of these sources are stacking and some are multiplying.

-Off skill is searing bond for decoy/dmg since you got alot of fire/burning nodes
-Vaal lightning trap leaves shocked ground: +50% MORE dmg.
[1.3] the shocked ground will give +30% increased damage from templar node: Celestial Punishment
-Swarms of beyond mobs can be turned with conversion trap. (I've had a degen rare with corrupted blood kill a uniq beyond boss)
[1.3] Oh Yes! I'd like to leech bloodline powers from my turned magic monsters.

So in conclusion: Solid solo mappers build; Good damage and plenty defensive mechanics.

The only real weakness is: In current gem setup was unable to kill crates, pots and boxes easily.

Now that the character is on standard, i could make a couple easy gear improvements (6L chin sol) with the help of a dusty bank. Below are some video's of gameplay.

latest changes (beyond)

needed to drop drillneck to max+40 all my resists for eleweakness maps and curse danger.
dropped clever construction & IR and swooped into templar tree.

will now see if its possible to drop clever construction versus storm heralds and other bosses who can destroy my traps before they trigger.

Seems this problem can be mitigated with perfect aiming and if it doesnt work the totems can kill.

Your main nemesis are Lightning users / AoE in general like storm heralds. Blackguard Arcmage that do the Arc kill my traps really quick. Those fights will last longer if my aim is off. Hence forward ill use different flasks. I think the 30 movespeed on boots is anough to drop the quicksilver. And i want more protection against lightning. My lightning resis (max+80%) is capped atleast against elekweakness + conductivity combo curse; the resis will stay at max. With new anti lightning flasks ill have a more comfort on those hard fights.

so new flask setup would be:
1 Insta Heal + remove shocked [old remove frozen]
2 Topaz flask + movespeed [old quicksilver + %armor]
3 Fast heal + bleed
4 Granite + %armor [old granite + curse]
5 Quartz + curse immune [old quarts + move]

will be needing some practice to press a different key to remove curses. But i really dont want to remove quartz. It'll prevent so many desyncs; if you think of all the beyond possible ways of monsters spawning ontop of you; beyond portal mobs and i'll stop at Haku spirit running.

Build Specifications

Aura's=gear dependent & Future plans

1 Determination
2 Anger

My armor is now around 11k+ with determination.
32k armor with granite.

My gear definitly needs WED% and flat added x-xx fire/phys dmg. They add a ton of dmg.


Gear is rock solid. too bad 25 chaos resis is missing. but whatever.
yolo exalted it all, spamming gcp's atm. then ill safe up fusings to 6link.

pre yolo exalt

Vaal orb fails

Standard testing for [1.3]



help oak
help oak (probably kill was better, although my avaredge enduringcry pack fills up 4 charges nicely)


Main skill burning arrow linked to:
Elemental prolif
Chance to ignite -> tried to swap it with firepen. But with 30-40% chance to ignite you are firing blanks in a row. So 70%+ chance (chance to ignite gem) is a must have.
Weapon elemental dmg-OR-Fire penetration

WED will give you the biggest bang for your buck; ie closeby critters with low fire resis like zombies will 1shot the big guys next to it.
Fire penetration will give you more steady dps. It's not like you can't kill double res + regen monsters with this build. It will just make things smoother. I like taking the edges off odds on hardcore, so currently its in my setup.

other viable options
Pierce: was version B.1 with master trapper skill nodes+drillneck. B.2 dropped those and took pierce skill nodes and WED gem. 100% Pierce is great for second ignite chances.


Searing bond

I've leveled up with double totem searingbond. You need so few skill points for solid damage, the rest goes into defense so you won't die reaching maps. When i converted to burning Arrow i felt naked. Took alot of damage. So i brought one searingbond totem back to act as decoy. The damage without the +2 fire weapon is still magnificent. this totem makes sure the monsters pile up nicely for the burn.

Personally i think it's a life saver just because of the fact;
you are Always on the move; aiming the beam.
Hence avoiding damage from charging/shooting and desynced mobs you don't see.

Conversion trap

*Conversion trap-Increased duration
I've leveled up with double totem searingbond. And to avoid being swarmed by beyond mobs suddenly spawning, this trap makes them join your team. And what a team you make. Originally had all the duration skill nodes, so the conversion would last 25 second back then. Now its duration is cut in half.

Flame surge: You burn so the flame surgers will do nice damage long range.
Rare corrupted blood: I had one of these shred a unique beyond boss into pieces in under 20 seconds.
Rare proximity shield. Hello permanent shield spectre :)

Together with your totem these will take so much hurt instead of you, providing much safety.

Vaal lightning Trap

*Vaal Lightning Trap-Increaed duration
Leaves shocked ground. Shocked ground makes monsters take 50% MORE dmg. That means double dip on everything. Unlike other vaal skills you can stack up charges. So you get to use 3x vaal skill from the same gem on the end boss and what not. Note a level 1 gem gives the same shocked ground duration as a level 20 gem. Cheap mana.

Smoke Mine

*Smoke Mine
It's THE box cutter in path of exile. This wil let you open ambush boxes safely.
All push to start fights will be proceded by this gem.
-lvl 75 Vagan master? lets fill up the room with smoke first.
-Quest The Marooned Mariner act 1? smoke up the pirate captain before you start.
-Ambush box? lets smoke up the box before i setup another smoker to exit the premises.

Do not expect to find life monsters when you run back out of the smoke to the ambush box.

Beyond thoughts and old trees (A) etc

Others things still to try

1- change the whole build for crit and leave out chance to ignite & fire nodes above witch :)
i got future plans for that if i get more accuracy gear

fail exalt on 4x max bracket quiver +fail mastercraft

2-Take double totem skill node, and be able to run moltenshell for defense without having to worry about reflect.

3- Pickup a single target skill with lifeleech.

4- Double curse (rainbowstrides or Ammy. with Rainbow ill have to be using a quicksilver for sure)

5- Multi trap on conversion trap

version A.2 %Pierce & clever construction

Beyond [buildversion A.2]
lvl 85
Melting end game maps like a hot knife through butter. mediocre gear.

This build revolves around proliferating burn with burning Arrow.

The trap makes close range [=MORE dmg] viable, ie you dont have to stand toe to toe with the nasties.

So you got a crazy amount of damage sources 9!?!?!
[1 str/phys%, 2 flat dmg, 3 trap dmg, 4 close target dmg, 5 shockedground dmg, 6 elemental/fire% dmg, 7 burning% dmg, 8 %weapon elemental dmg, 9 drillneckpierce] some stacking some multiplying.

-Off skill is searing bond for decoy/dmg since you got alot of fire/burning nodes = smokin!
-Vaal lightning trap leaves shocked ground: +50% MORE dmg.
-Swarms of beyond mobs can be turned with conversion trap.

So in conclusion: Solid solo mappers build; Good damage and plenty defensive mechanics.

key skill nodes

Avatar of fire
Resolute technique
Unwavering stance
Iron grip
Iron Reflexes
Point Blank [yes that 50% goes ontop of the 100% of the bow Chin Sol]

Clever construction

[vs mobs that do aoe and kill all your traps... especially uniqs... clever construction is an absolute must to have. Walking there gets you the dex that is needed, win win.]

The question now is; at current level you can grab all the Templar life/AoE/Ele and Marauder armor nodes that are currently being skipped by dropping CC. With those defensive nodes you can drop either grace or determination and then take anger dmg.

Aura's=gear dependent & Future plans

1 Determination or Grace
2 Anger

My armor was around 12k+ with determination and grace. Atm switch to anger and setup cwdt immortalcall.

main focus on improvement is getting resists max+40 for the eleweakness zana maps.
So either gear with more armor and swap to purity of elements,
or get gear with more resists and stay the same.

possibly i could drop grace and iron reflexes. but it's all so gear dependent and thus academic. So just levelup tons of aura's and become the Swiss army knife when ever you party up or get new gear.

My gear definitly needs WED% and flat added x-xx fire/phys dmg. They add a ton of dmg.


Vaal orb fails



help oak
help oak (probably kill was better, although my avaredge enduringcry pack fills up 4 charges nicely)

there are still loads and loads life nodes to grab in range.
edit: atm this is bothering me, i got a feeling i need to grab those soon. so perhaps ill respec out of the pierce and drillneck all together for the templar skill nodes.


version 1.1

Main skill burning arrow linked to:
Elemental prolif
Weapon elemental dmg
Chance to ignite -> tried to swap it with firepen. But with 30-40% chance to ignite you are firing blanks in a row. So 70%+ chance (chance to ignite gem) is a must have.

other viable options
Fire penetration: solid gem. my 6link choice. otherwise swap for WED
Pierce: was version 1.0 with master trapper skill nodes. now dropped those and took pierce skill nodes and WED gem. 100% Pierce is great for second ignite chances.


Searing bond

I've leveled up with double totem searingbond. You need so few skill points for solid damage, the rest goes into defense so you won't die reaching maps. When i converted to burning Arrow i felt naked. Took alot of damage. So i brought one searingbond totem back to act as decoy. The damage without the +2 fire weapon is still magnificent. Since im using no increased area nodes this totem makes sure the monsters pile up nicely.

Personally i think it's a life saver just because of the fact;
you are Always on the move; aiming the beam.
Hence avoiding damage from charging/shooting and desynced mobs you don't see.

Conversion trap

*Conversion trap-Increased duration
I've leveled up with double totem searingbond. And to avoid being swarmed by beyond mobs suddenly spawning, this trap makes them join your team. And what a team you make. Originally had all the duration skill nodes, so the conversion would last 25 second back then. Now its duration is cut in half.

Flame surge: You burn so the flame surgers will do nice damage long range.
Rare corrupted blood: I had one of these shred a unique beyond boss into pieces in under 20 seconds.
Rare proximity shield. Hello permanent shield spectre :)

Together with your totem these will take so much hurt instead of you, providing much safety.

Vaal lightning Trap

*Vaal Lightning Trap-Increaed duration
Leaves shocked ground. Shocked ground makes monsters take 50% MORE dmg. That means double dip on everything. Unlike other vaal skills you can stack up charges. So you get to use 3x vaal skill from the same gem on the end boss and what not. Note a level 1 gem gives the same shocked ground duration as a level 20 gem. Cheap mana.

Smoke Mine

*Smoke Mine
It's THE box cutter in path of exile. This wil let you open ambush boxes safely.
All push to start fights will be proceded by this gem.
-lvl 75 Vagan master? lets fill up the room with smoke first.
-Quest The Marooned Mariner act 1? smoke up the pirate captain before you start.
-Ambush box? lets smoke up the box before i setup another smoker to exit the premises.

In current build we can setup 5 traps. Do not expect to find life monsters when you run back out of the smoke to the ambush box.

version A.1 %pierce and or Mastertrapper (can lay 5traps)


version A.0 tried out mega pierce. but i rather drop master trapper to take pierce nodes and replace pierce with WED gem.

A big problem is when you fire blanks. ie targets dont ignite.

Pierce will give you a second chance. Yes that usually won't be in close range... but I've had pierced arrows ignite and proliferate offscreen killing packs in the process. Also if the arrow pierces and ignites 2 targets inside a pack.. afaik that is a HUGE deal... since the damage gets rolled twice. and the highest number will be the one proliferating.

Eventually i hope to solve this problem with a quiver " fire +1 arrow"

* Castwhendmgtaken-Enduringcry
* Enduringcry
I love armor, hence i value enduring charges to stay and that's why I rather not throw them away into immortalcall. If your armor is high anough you will not fear chargers or leapers. The physical dmg isn't going to kill you. The second enduring cry is needed to keep up the charges while you're herding the cows.

Last edited by MinstrelShadrak on Feb 17, 2015, 4:38:15 PM
finished build.
will rip or ding 90 with it.
Last edited by MinstrelShadrak on Sep 5, 2014, 2:13:03 PM
Why resolute technique? Critting a burning arrow seems op, all you need is some accuracy on gear...
Very nice build! Works like magic :D
Was fun watching all those mobs burn to death in 1 second!

If someone has no idea what build to roll, look no further,
its fun and cheap build to get going and works real good.

I recommend you to apply for next series build of the week, its
quite unique and fun build.

Thumbs up, stay safe! ; )
Puf_Alb wrote:
Why resolute technique? Critting a burning arrow seems op, all you need is some accuracy on gear...

Because chin sol is not a crit bow, and crit bows dont have 100% more damage : )
Raziel474 wrote:
Puf_Alb wrote:
Why resolute technique? Critting a burning arrow seems op, all you need is some accuracy on gear...

Because chin sol is not a crit bow, and crit bows dont have 100% more damage : )

Crit would be good fun, and i'd like to try that. but the gear needed will be crazy. ie 300+ accuracy on alot of gear. That will result in lower resis/chaos resis. So with uber gear you'll be able to pull it off.

Raziel is right. base crit is low. but you'll be able to remove chance to ignite for something else. probably accuracy 20% if you can afford the space.

The main problem with this build is firing blanks: ie you shoot 1 Arrow , 1 mob dies, no ignite, and the rest of the pack charges on. So you'd probably need a quiver +1 arrows fired and some pierce to get the chance to ignite back up.

p.s. gonna update weakness of the build, will try compensate that with flask choice.
so single target is sb what would be the 6l slot point blank ?
https://poe-ssf.herokuapp.com/. Join the fun.
SSF HC Legacy Witch Lvl 53
ventiman wrote:
so single target is sb what would be the 6l slot point blank ?

the gem pointblank stacks with the bow, but not with the pointblank skill node.

so resolute technigue users with pointblank skill node gotta have these 4:

burning arrow
ele prolif
chance to ignite

and nr 5&6 will be WED and firepen or firepen & WED.

currently using firepen as nr.5
Last edited by MinstrelShadrak on Sep 8, 2014, 8:09:35 AM
Why not help oak in cruel for 18% phys? Isn't that all converted to fire(50% from burning arrow and 50% from avatar of fire).
kasub wrote:
Why not help oak in cruel for 18% phys? Isn't that all converted to fire(50% from burning arrow and 50% from avatar of fire).

y would be excellent choice too.

I leveled up double searingbond, never though to change it around level 8x cause there where so many life nodes still to be taken.
Last edited by MinstrelShadrak on Sep 9, 2014, 2:08:14 AM

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