Some questions, single player, game length, etc.

Also, thanks to everyone else for the help, answers, and fun so far. Definitely helpful!

koolchiefs wrote:
Aurinax87 wrote:
nzrock wrote:
If it's a i5 core and 4gb ram, it should work, thought you might have to turn down the shadows option.

This. When in doubt, reduce shadows. Works every time.

Assuming you're not on a single core integrated GPU rig from 2000 of course.
Thanks. Yeah, it's less than two years old. It's new enough to have a second generation mobile i5 processor in it. It's considered the "newer" generation of Intel HD graphics, whatever that's worth.

My main machine is my desktop though, which has a GTX460, so I'm not worried that I can run it at all, but if I can play on the laptop, even better!

Which reminds me, are the game saves stored on the server? I assume they are, but I know some games save locally as well.


Server side, and there's no traditional save options, it's more like a MMO style of saving.
Sweeping Maid

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