3.24.2 Hotfix 6

ty for fix
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diablo4life wrote:
PatriarchDeon wrote:
ok, now to be need fixing 25 000% fire res armour!
then and here yours problems...
the most worst league i ever seen

level 36 in league has opinion on it :)

I'm a standard player, idiot
momonami5 wrote:
PatriarchDeon wrote:
ok, now to be need fixing 25 000% fire res armour!
then and here yours problems...
the most worst league i ever seen

nobody cares about a fire res chest that dropped with high fire res and lucky recombinatored crafted in standard... keep seeing new accounts talking about this chest and don't even know how it was made just parroting streamers and rmters who want to try and keep 6 link shields and swords.

soy boy says, step aside
PatriarchDeon wrote:
momonami5 wrote:
PatriarchDeon wrote:
ok, now to be need fixing 25 000% fire res armour!
then and here yours problems...
the most worst league i ever seen

nobody cares about a fire res chest that dropped with high fire res and lucky recombinatored crafted in standard... keep seeing new accounts talking about this chest and don't even know how it was made just parroting streamers and rmters who want to try and keep 6 link shields and swords.

Вообще плевать как была сделана эта броня, сам факт что это по факту топ предмет для урона под билд сделанный по ошибке в расчете которую допустили ГГГ, тут же они допустили ошибку но сразу же убили эту фишку с 6L предметами и потеряли 15% онлайна, всегда можно было просто оставить как есть и убрать ошибку, но когда банят что то одно а на другое закрывают глаза, это ЛИЦЕМЕРИЕ. trnslate this.
And someday after fixing, you can mirror 6-socketed one-handed, shield and quiver for several mirrors. Isn't it?
kinda disappointed with how long this took and the lack of any disciplinary action.

This league has taught players if there is an exploit you better do it as fast as you can.
where are the bans?
so many posts have been deleted in this thread..
i think there are still a number of them left, i saw a few dawnbreaker shields with 6 links.

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