We're halfway through the Affliction Talent Competition and the incredible submissions from our talented community keep rolling in! Check out some of the highlights in today's news post.

Goblin Troupe Cosplay - tinyxtato


Blighted Pustules in the Viridian Wildwood - Madly500

Gingerbread King in the Mists - eemmbbeerr


Affliction Tarot Cards - NeiridaSama


Primal Huntress - ReTiNiA

There's still a couple of weeks left to show off your talent in this competition! If you'd like to submit an entry, you can do so by posting in this thread.
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Grinding Gear Games
Damn, didnt know there was a competition, maybe next time
Blighted Pustules in the Viridian Wildwood is completely brilliant. Wow! :O
Good luck guys. Looking great!
IGN: JerleNecroDD/JerleNecroRuthless
Harvest is the BEST league EVER. Deterministic crafting ftw.
GGG, pls extend the forum badge display limit please T_T
A lot of art! this is perfect! it is difficult to decide which is my favorite xd
so great xD
Gescom wrote:
Blighted Pustules in the Viridian Wildwood is completely brilliant. Wow! :O

Thanks! glad you like it, been awhile since I participated in one of these competitions so i feel a little rusty.
The art style and texturization in Blighted Pustules is really cool. I love how it transitions to a dark abyss filled with wisps!
I NEED tarot card's digital version. Really like the style of those

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