New and Changed Gems in Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors

So the updated "Raise Spectre" QoL is only for PoE2? Which means we are stuck with the inferior version? Why would that not be a part of PoE1?
Still can't pick up loot in %currentdate%
not bad ;v
Guardian info would be cool
thou amogus ambatukam (c) lenin
jsuslak313 wrote:
Kanadeara2013 wrote:
oh i know, the point is that it gains ok dps, BUT at the cost of 20 sec duration, so you needing to constantly reapply it over, and over, and over. That usually doesnt lend it self well to the DoT playstyle and makes if feel really un fun to play. i took it further and got all skill effect duration on the tree and got it to 3.7 sec, which seems really bad (imo) for puncture. typically to scale the damage you use snipe, which you need to channel. would be like having to constantly use bane or ED to reapply dots.

only good use i can think of is with the new controlled blaze? since you are constantly reapplying ignite so the duration doesnt matter and fits that playstyle? idk seems like the gem wasnt designed very well or maybe im missing something.

It's useful for every DoT build that is not reliant on stacking DoTs. There are plenty out there that are single DoT for massive damage. If you have a skill that does 500k DoT over 15 seconds, this gem basically makes it 400k (or more) dps over 3 seconds. That is WAY better in functionality. That means, you can theoretically dish out 5x the damage in the same amount of time against a beefy opponent. And it makes clearing gameplay FAR smoother.

Yes, it is not so great for stacking DoT builds like poisons, unless you can mathematically figure out what speed you need to get benefit out of the gem.

i mean isnt the best case scenario the one i gave it? a max duration bleed from puncture? it took it from 27 sec to 3.7 sec duration. it only works for ailments, not other dots so its only poison, bleed, or ignite. the dps gain just seems bad for the playstyle it makes since ailment builds other than poison dont really stack attack or cast speed since it doesnt really effect the dps of the ailment, and to make this feel good you need to constantly reapply it
Dunno man.. Most of these seem DOA. I see that they tried hard to push the melee igniter archetype, but dps-wise the base damage of the weapon is still all that matters. 1.72x multiplier at most will not justify using a lower base dmg and faster weapon. Marohi erqi is still by far the best for the archetype dps-wise, altho it will still be weak, slow and clunky compared to other archetypes.

Sacrifice support has good dmg numbers but requires INSANE recovery. One would simply be better off using the covenant and RF on top if hit-based. Also physical spell poison builds already have insane scaling from ming's heart shenanigans, so less value of flat dmg there. The only use I'm seeing is on dark pact/FR poison builds? But they are too short on recovery already.

My condolences to those poor people who had hoped that trauma support would save melee. Frostbreath maybe?
Last edited by Sielin on Aug 14, 2023, 9:48:03 PM
The first page is like always spammed with worthless "pog" comments. GGG doesn't seem to care about their own rules.

The gems look nice but I was expecting to see better adrenaline uptime on fresh meat support and less damage taken with more gem levels on guardian's blessing... meh.
Last edited by a_k_a on Aug 14, 2023, 8:59:55 PM
a_k_a wrote:
The first page is like always spammed with worthless "pog" comments. GGG doesn't seem to care about their own rules.

The gems look nice but I was expecting to see better adrenaline uptime on fresh meat support and less damage taken with more gem levels on guardian's blessing... meh.

I cannot find in the code of conduct that you cannot pog
hi <3 I stream at
jsuslak313 wrote:
Controlled Blaze: less AND more damage for the exact same application? Am I reading that wrong? What would be the point of separating them like that, if they fall under the same condition?

*ed: never mind, the less damage mod is for the ATTACK whereas the more mod is for the IGNITE. Missed that subtlety

That is actually what has me confused. I'm trying figure out how much of a benefit it actually is.
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