New Patch is horrible

Thesuffering wrote:
petrovskyz wrote:
If we were to judge the performance optimization POE2 would have by the new patch, that will be a bad launch.

People with older systems, will have a really bad time. Before the patch, I was getting steady 60ish FPS with my 1660ti, and game would slow down when there were a million mobs on screen.

Now, I enter my hideout, and I have to wait 30-40 seconds for the textures to pop back in. Most of the time I'm fighting invisible monsters since the textures aren't there, there are blocks of the ground and textures missing.

GGG literally downgraded the experience from a game that looks on par with Diablo, to a game that is done by a single indie dev that doesn't care whether players have issues.

Use triple buffering. it is for people with old gpus.

Thing is it just somewhat help. I have it enabled and I still get a worst time than before.

Also who's clown idea was it to not enable it by default? Some new player is going to launch the game run at 3 fps and quit before even seeing the skill tree.
Why am I still here
Deleted as posted elsewhere.
No one can hear you poop in the forrest.
Last edited by hmcg020 on Jul 24, 2023, 6:23:03 PM
Blubbey wrote:
We Are Taking A Temporary News Break
Runs. Fine.
sumfight wrote:
Nubatron wrote:
Playing with settings some, but things are definitely worse for me.


Yeah, seems to be worse for me as well.


I am using a 3080 and a 5800x. Its runs great. My hideout is 90 fps with all setting maxed.

What are your settings?
130-144 fps in a decoration filled hideout and 85-110 during juiced mapping depending on how much stuff's going on the screen. All of that with just a 2070 on 1440p and even an additional 1080p screen for other stuff lol

Game runs fine so I don't really feel any issues at all, quite unfortunate that there's some folks with issues tho but I'm sure they get to figure out something in time. The game only felt weird for about an hour after the patch with some graphical lightning glitches and minor lags, but that was mostly the issue due to the deleted and cleared memory cache.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 24, 2023, 11:44:43 PM
Yeah something is off. I had to mess with settings to get rid of lag and freezes. Now getting good fps but cursor is having problems. Clicking on things from time to time will not work. Scroll threw stash tabs makes one some times not work at all. Have to close chest and reload. Going keep messing with it. Sure as hell don't want to go into new league with game that doesn't work. D4 has that crown atm.
i just want to point out pseudo random particle fire in hideouts looks like absolute garbage.
My fps went from 250 in hideout to 150 i dont understand i literally lost like 40% performance on this game for no reason at all my stable fps is also much worse now by not doing any juiced map just a regural alch and go map my fps dips down to 40 all the time it is unplayable i was sitting at 100+fps stable at all times in just alch+go maps how can they mess up so badly performance with a single patch right before the league???????????????????????????????????
No more verifiying patch loop for me today, game run just fine, no lag, no crash.
I just don't notice any visual improvements, maybe my settings are too low haha.
Anyway ty GGG.

MacBook pro M1 Os Monterey

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