3.20.0 Hotfix 10

3.20.0 Hotfix 10

  • Fixed a bug in Sanctum where the Merchant's prices could underflow.
  • Fixed a bug in Sanctum where players could gain Aureus coins when hit while unable to lose Resolve.
  • Fixed two instance crashes.
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2022, 6:17:51 PM
Why no Saviour fix yet. I'm sad.
Yo could I ask you a question? Seeing how you know how the game works.... so I'm trying to take a large viridian cluster jewl off my skill tree on console and it won't let me remove it. Do you know a way to remove it?? Please respond to jordais420@gmail.com.
There is no any button ._.
Last edited by RamonMattlov on Dec 12, 2022, 2:25:28 AM
CaRmEx5463 wrote:
Yo could I ask you a question? Seeing how you know how the game works.... so I'm trying to take a large viridian cluster jewl off my skill tree on console and it won't let me remove it. Do you know a way to remove it?? Please respond to jordais420@gmail.com.

GGG does do that (reply to people personal e-mail for things like this).

To remove a cluster jewel, you first have to remove all the other jewels connected to it and that take regret orbs.
CaRmEx5463 wrote:
Yo could I ask you a question? Seeing how you know how the game works.... so I'm trying to take a large viridian cluster jewl off my skill tree on console and it won't let me remove it. Do you know a way to remove it?? Please respond to jordais420@gmail.com.

There's no such thing as a "viridian cluster jewel". It's either a viridian jewel, or a cluster jewel.

Since you say "large", I assume it's a Cluster jewel.

Maybe you have a Viridian jewel socketed in to the Large cluster jewel?

Either way, clusters can only be removed when they don't have anything socketed in to them, and you have enough refund points to refund the jewel sockets on them (you don't have to do it manually, the game will prompt you saying it will cost 2 refund points for Large or 1 for Medium).
just fix olroth phases just rip content 3days =) ty
Heheh.. the mobs around is 2 times stronger than 3.19 - instant death from rare mob because - why not ?!
No thank you.
Literally no need even to try to play this game anymore.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Last edited by BlazeSTX on Dec 12, 2022, 8:38:16 AM
Why double down on the shitty curse design where traps can't curse?

I _was_ going to play this league. But y'all completely ruined traps, and when people pointed it out, you doubled down. So I guess I was just waiting for this confirmation that I wont play.

Can i refund mtx?
Last edited by PlsGoDieThx on Dec 12, 2022, 10:23:43 AM
Waiting for removal of resolve.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " ~ Hunter S Thompson ~

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