3.19.2b Patch Notes

sownice wrote:
At least honest.

Nice Patch. Is power siphon still not working with spellslinger and frenzy?

Atleast 3.19.2B looks really great.

How does it look great if there is nothing changed?
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
Added Japanese language support to Path of Exile.

Extended UTF-8 when? ÅÄÖ!
Added Japanese language support to Path of Exile.

Winter's white blanket swaddles all.
Last edited by 黄前久美子 on Dec 1, 2022, 2:47:37 PM
Where is patch notes
Bronsaw wrote:

• I eat cats for breakfast. I will eat you too.
• GGG has 0 play testers it seems. 3.24 shows it clearly.
• Screw 6-link one hand item exploiters and their deleted items. Your tears are as delicious as Pepsi Max Raspberry sizzling sip.
Rofl okay wait... Did you guys seriously just make a .B patch note for supporter packs and a language pack?! OMEGALUL
add Turkish language pls.

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