3.19.0c Patch Notes and Update on Community Feedback

Veynom wrote:
Game is always fresh and as usual I am impressed for a game that costs stash tabs to play. You guys put out DLC and updates on the regular without requiring the player base to purchase more.

I play softcore so If a big mob hurts, It brings some life back into the action and allows decision making. Just farm what you are capable of killing until you progress your gear and skills to handle it. Kind of the point of the game. I can't remember a time that white and yellow maps were even a bump in the road other than unlocking atlas points of late. Hopefully it will be more interesting while progressing this time around for me.

Usually its level, gear instantly with all the drops and currency that came to easy. Then rofl stomp t16 maps while progressing into being over geared until quickly bored. Then we can pat ourselves on the back for being so awesome and leave the game after a week or two.

Then add that Streamers and veteran diehards break the game and control the markets on day 1-2 because all the paths to success were already mapped. Maybe if they didn't break the game and tell everyone about it. Systems wouldn't need to be changed. Progression was a bit fast and everyone was one click away from the answers to everything. It's fun when you guys mix up the optimal paths in progression. At least for a few days I get to use my brain until my favorite creators spoil it for me. I do it to myself because there is a lot of great content creators out there. With things changed up, maybe even upside down, they get to redo all their videos which I assume makes them more money.

Some of this stuff is unbearable for me personally. Not the changes to the game but how some of these guys think they are the reason this game is successful? Those must be the guys I don't watch or read on purpose anyway. How entitled is a person who can't even get the job of a person they criticize. Would be nice to see some more gratitude in the world but it's just getting worse and worse while expectations go up and up. Even the argument that "this game isn't free. It costs stash tabs." With respect to the point that I don't disagree with that statement. It makes me wonder, do they know that isn't a point that has value. What happened to you play a game as packaged. You like that experience or you don't and you leave it at that. Do the producers of movies need to take the movie off the shelf and redo the script and acting because you don't like a movie? Start screaming to not support the movie, even though you don't actually care, because it's not your money, but you think people shouldn't get paid for working at their jobs or feed their families because you didn't get your way? Lame.

I am sure the smart people will tell the streamers and youtubers the new meta on how to farm soon enough. Then they will have some content to make other than drama channel click bait. When did whining become cool. I see a big scary person and I have no issues. Whiners make me cross the street because it hurts so much.


My man almost all these points are just plain stupid.

1. archnemesis mobs should not be as tanky as they are, why is a random rare mob in a t4 map 10 times tankier then the map boss, certain mobs are even tankier then actual unique bosses. I've seen people take longer killing an archnem mob then the god damn eater of worlds mini boss. not to mention there is already plenty of hard content in the game that you need some pretty nutty gear to clear solo at least, such as 100% del maps, and yes of course white and yellow maps should not be difficult they aren't end game, they should only be a small bump in the road, there are many things much more difficult to strive towards in the game.

2. not sure why you are overexaggerating here, almost noone quits a good league 1 or 2 weeks in, the game is still bussin at that point and plenty of people probably aren't even at end game at that point unless they play for hours everyday. And honestly t16 aren't even end game, again a lot of content is much harder.

3. I don't think you understand streamers and veterans help fuel the economy right, without them there would be much less items overall and decent items would be much more expensive. Your other point is also makes no sense, if you want to use your brain and not spoil the game, then don't watch others play it??? it's like watching a streamer watch a TV show and then getting mad they spoiled the show for you, just don't watch the stream if you don't want to spoil, use your brain.

4. again more points that make no sense, we are the reason this game is successful, we are the consumers of their product, if we do not give them money for their product or play the game then the game is not successful anymore. Kinda like what is happening right now with everyone quitting the league and having the playerbase plummet. Bro you really think that just because we do not have the qualifications to be a dev means we can't criticize their product?? do I have to be a professional chef to say a certain food or dish is bad?? No, criticism is good, it can be used to make products better, and if the entire community is telling you that the changes you made are bad, the changes are probably bad, don't need to be a dev to figure that out. Not to mention many people probably have way more playtime in this game then the devs do and probably are much more knowledgeable about what are good nerfs and buffs then the devs. Finally your last point about the movie makes no sense either, video games are meant to be changed over time and have change occur within them to keep them fresh, its how a game stays alive for so long. Movies are final, obviously they won't go back and change a movie, if a movie is bad and fails then thats that, they make no profit off the movie. A game can be changed and revamped to be better. Also don't know where this last part came from, I have not seen anyone saying that GGG employees shouldn't be paid lol, ofc they should be paid, but they should be paid according to how good their product is, so they need to work hard and do a good job to make sure their product is good, that's how business works.

Came back after giving up on Path of Exile [and the continuous assault of the predatory corporate practices in a free to play environment amongst other things] about a year or so ago. Came back on a whim to see what was going on and had a really good laugh at this thread. I feel for all you guys still holding out. I had over 11k hours played myself.
I get abused by GGG staff every time I post because I started the Fix Your Game meme. Pathetic and unprofessional.
really sucks that the league mechanic was launched and no transparency about stealth changes but other than that i'm having fun and the buffs to the reworked mechanics and kalandra seems to be just about enough. thanks <3
Bullsat2 wrote:
Please do the community a large favour and do the thing that would make A LOT of people happy.

- REVERT entirely the massive Quantity/Rarity bonus change you did first of all, thats the most important one thats for sure.

- Just delete Archnemesis and forgot it ever happened and go back to the old Nemesis system thats so well tested and everyone loved.

So far it feels Like Archnemesis are just ham fisted into every other corner of the game and other league content.

Wanna breach? oh you aint looking at the ring, more likely the 3 Arch nemesis rares that rushed/ganged up on you.

Wanna Delve? Just beware the random archnemesis Trickster Roah doesnt run off to Narnia!

Wanna Blight? Oh better bodyblock that huge archnemesis are with speed mods thats rushing the pump!

And were NOT even gonna talk about Metamorphs as thats just simply a shitshow..

Let Archnemesis be what it was... just a temp league that WASNT added to the core game and forget that it ever existed.

I know people would REALLY love that.

I agree wholeheartedly with everything the above poster said.
Jacob_28348 wrote:
Bullsat2 wrote:
Please do the community a large favour and do the thing that would make A LOT of people happy.

- REVERT entirely the massive Quantity/Rarity bonus change you did first of all, thats the most important one thats for sure.

- Just delete Archnemesis and forgot it ever happened and go back to the old Nemesis system thats so well tested and everyone loved.

So far it feels Like Archnemesis are just ham fisted into every other corner of the game and other league content.

Wanna breach? oh you aint looking at the ring, more likely the 3 Arch nemesis rares that rushed/ganged up on you.

Wanna Delve? Just beware the random archnemesis Trickster Roah doesnt run off to Narnia!

Wanna Blight? Oh better bodyblock that huge archnemesis are with speed mods thats rushing the pump!

And were NOT even gonna talk about Metamorphs as thats just simply a shitshow..

Let Archnemesis be what it was... just a temp league that WASNT added to the core game and forget that it ever existed.

I know people would REALLY love that.

I agree wholeheartedly with everything the above poster said.

that would be fucking with chris's "VISION".
"Despite the changes we discussed yesterday, we still don't feel that things are in the right place regarding many of the issues raised by the community. We will do a full review of these topics tomorrow and will let you know of any further changes we plan to make."

oh dear.. you're not even in the same universe as your playerbase..

what a joke this game has become
generally dangerous
I've been playing for thousands of hours over 10 years, and if you look to the right, you will notice a lot of supporter pack banners.

I've been an avid supporter of the game since the beginning.

But the loot changes made me quit the game entirely, and I simply won't play unless it's reverted completely. It's just not fun to get zero loot in a hack n' slash ARPG.


Steam is at 45% positive recent reviews when it was at 90% positive overall before. This should speak volumes that barely anyone likes these changes.
Last edited by dizz on Aug 23, 2022, 11:33:35 PM
I'm getting more and more frustrated with this game
hell i miss good leagues like ultimatum, ritual, harvest..

good old times before everything started to change with 3.15

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