3.25 WRETCHED DEFILERS, all content viable afk wave 30, ubers down

Hi! I've been following your guide for awhile now. And i'm stuck at 500k dps? What did i do wrong?

Here's my POB: https://pobb.in/LniFKTGgjG3y
https://pobb.in/ZcAk0HRSCRhI this is my pob, i have buy forbidden but idk how fit them with other jewels
Last edited by Nycto01 on Sep 21, 2023, 12:56:59 PM
Nycto01 wrote:
https://pobb.in/ZcAk0HRSCRhI this is my pob, i have buy forbidden but idk how fit them with other jewels

You are having a problem to fit 9 jewels in 9 jewel slots? Well...
Prof549 wrote:
Nycto01 wrote:
https://pobb.in/ZcAk0HRSCRhI this is my pob, i have buy forbidden but idk how fit them with other jewels

You are having a problem to fit 9 jewels in 9 jewel slots? Well...

i remove other jewel from old pob mr genius and idk if i need to remove or choose another location.

Nycto01 wrote:
Prof549 wrote:
Nycto01 wrote:
https://pobb.in/ZcAk0HRSCRhI this is my pob, i have buy forbidden but idk how fit them with other jewels

You are having a problem to fit 9 jewels in 9 jewel slots? Well...

i remove other jewel from old pob mr genius and idk if i need to remove or choose another location.

The build holds 9 specific jewels and 9 designated slots for them.

Whatever you added yourself, mr. genius, is, surprisingly, solely your problem to solve.
Sorry i will not check pobs, take a lot of time. @Nycto01 U should take off impossible scape for now and fortress covenant, got the defensives node via the points of atlas tree as the medium budget pob shows.
The build has a linear progression, and all pobs are listed acording to the build evolution.
If anyone have a question fell free to ask, ill answer when i can on the forum post.

Uptaded: uber eater down
some tip for ubers
final pob uptaded, final version for this leaguge.

This is my last uptade for now(3.22 end), the build is capable of do any content. Ubers are viable without mb but u will need to be good dodging the spells.
I am a trash bosser so i only can do facetanking...mb version can facetake ubereater as was recorded on the video. If u got out of ag fortify aura u could be oneshoted so be careful.
Last edited by Bhaltamoz on Sep 21, 2023, 11:50:15 PM
Mazekine wrote:
Hey so far I'm loving the build but i did a slight spin off of yours and it's on standard. It has less es though which I'm working on and still has much needed improvements. Instead of Stone golem I'm using carrion golem. I've invested so far 60 div into it and it could have costed me less if knew how to properly craft and search for the gear. Here's my pob and thanks for the build!!


-update to the build with a rare chest i crafted.
pob: https://pobb.in/Bc7hVXrM54vt
PUNSHET2 wrote:
anyone know how much regen is needed for AG not to die? I basically can't run pride unless I switch my ashes for an pride aul ammy

Hello, when using the guardian blessing, you need minion physical damage reduction capped at 90%. So Having 2 medium cluster jewels with renewal and dread march(.015 regen) and indomitable army should fix it. I ran into the same issue and tackled it with that that.
Low budget version has impossible escape in the cluster. Is that a mistake? What should go there if it is?
biggunndunn wrote:
Low budget version has impossible escape in the cluster. Is that a mistake? What should go there if it is?

Not a mistake this jewl was 1div at 1st week and 25c on week 3 idk the prices now

u drp it on medion budget and it come back when u got mb or very high budget

edit: oh now i understand. its a mistake jsut change places with anther jewl
edit2: reviwing the POB i noteced that Indomitable army and minion phy reduction is not allocated. I use the impossible scape to allocate these 2 nodes
My mistake, pob sometimes unallocated the nodes when saving the changes
Last edited by Bhaltamoz on Sep 28, 2023, 5:34:50 AM

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