[3.17] LL ❄️ CoC Ice Nova Occultist ❄️

Frickyricky wrote:
hey i seem to just be getting 1 shot even with 8k es did i do something wrong?

heres my POB: https://pastebin.com/kPK9mGvY

idk if i need to get more resistance but i get most of it from the flask

You definitely need capped res. I think that's the main thing I see from your defenses.

You can check out my AstralPlate character to see where I'm getting res.

Your rare items should probably have res, and you can swap Circle of Fear for something with res and other important stats.
iisanoob wrote:
Frickyricky wrote:
hey i seem to just be getting 1 shot even with 8k es did i do something wrong?

heres my POB: https://pastebin.com/kPK9mGvY

idk if i need to get more resistance but i get most of it from the flask

You definitely need capped res. I think that's the main thing I see from your defenses.

You can check out my AstralPlate character to see where I'm getting res.

Your rare items should probably have res, and you can swap Circle of Fear for something with res and other important stats.

i managed to cap res now, and dieing much less thankfully. is there any upgrades i can shoot for now

heres my POb: https://pastebin.com/SDs13tsq
Last edited by Frickyricky on Mar 14, 2022, 3:40:58 PM
I got the budget setup (the first setup you have listed) and felt the crit was lacking a little as I didnt have a bottled faith.

But once I got brittle ground eldritch it changed everything. That mod cannot be understated
How are folks dealing with out of range mobs one-shotting?

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