Scorching ray causing instance crashes

I am experiencing SEVERAL instance crashes since I started using scorching ray at lvl 12. I have several instances of crashes when I swap to the alternate reality, and others when I am just playing in regular Wraeclast.

Not sure if this applies to ignite skills, but I wanted to play a non-ignite burning build, so I am stuck with SR until I can sustain RF.

I have a crash basically every other location I open, This is causing my acts to take significantly longer. I've had to re-run act two about three times just based on lost progress from crashes.
Last bumped on Oct 24, 2021, 2:34:55 AM
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Just to add an update:

Since posting this a few minutes ago, I've experienced 5 crashes. 5 crashes in about 5 minutes.

When everything works "fine" I can go a couple of zones, but sometimes I crash multiple times per zone.

At this rate, I am going to avoid the league mechanic entirely just to help minimize the amount of crashes I am experiencing until something gets fixed.
Last edited by h2muller on Oct 22, 2021, 7:35:37 PM
I can confirm this. Some zones are more prone to crashing while using SR.
Swapping from SR to incinerate and I've not crashed since.
It's not even the same zone or a specific monster, because I can come back after a crash and kill the same pack or go through the same area and it's all normal.
Please look into this, I only have half a build right now.
Yeah same issue. Build isn't working very well now and is 100% Scorching Ray. Destroyed any motivation I had for this league. idk whether I should reroll or just play something else this league. Gamebreaking and it sucks :(
Grownupfun wrote:
Yeah same issue. Build isn't working very well now and is 100% Scorching Ray. Destroyed any motivation I had for this league. idk whether I should reroll or just play something else this league. Gamebreaking and it sucks :(

Don't give up on the build (or league) so fast, I'm sure GGG will have a fix ASAP!

I'm following @StingrayNine's idea of temporarily swapping to Incinerate, or some other skill, until this gets resolved, and I'll keep leveling my SR on the weapon swap
also experiencing the same issue!!!
One More Day...
Same my game close as I use scorching Ray
same issue couple hours ago. switched to flamewall instead inbetween.

GGG, any idea when there will be a potential hotfix?

people that use MTX on their scorching ray dont seem to crash, so its just the standard version.
Also suffering from this. Every few screens it seems to crash as I turn the ray.
You can reproduce this crash by casting scorching ray in a circle for a little bit and changing directions as you cast. Crashes to desktop every time.

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