Flask enchantments ceasing to function under certain conditions

FieldMaus9 wrote:
Bug reference number: 28,373,014. Today I was doing a fairly juicy map that was taking me a while. After several minutes, all my instilled flask enchantments stopped working. This is very scary for a build that relies on having permanent flask uptime (my build uses Coruscating Elixir with the 'Used when Charges reach full' enchantment and some flaskfinder stuff to survive being low-life ES). The flask enchantments remained non-functional for a few minutes (and therefore definitely not caused by a Nullifier monster), and only started working again after I did an Alva incursion. I have been using the flask enchantments with that character for at least 12 hours, and would definitely have noticed if the issue had occurred before (because I would have started dying to Righteous Fire).

Character name: Maus_Prelude

Potentially important map info:
- t16 Ashen Wood
- Infused Harbinger map device mod
- Gilded harbinger scarab
- Winged breach
- Area contains monsters that convert when killed
- Area contains a blight encounter

Thanks for your report, this is in the list of Known Issues.

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