
Sorry for another topic like this but it is for much different things other than leaving because of the actual league and nerfs.

It Don't matter how pissed off you are, No one deserves death threats.

Not gonna lie I'm almost at the point where I'm going to uninstall PoE and not look back. All this toxic behavior is actually killing the enjoyment of the game quite a lot so I can imagine how the people in the Public eye feel.

Even in-game, turn on Global chat for even a second and all you see is spam of toxic bullshit, Ignore one person and 10 more pop up. I enjoy talking to people in online games, but now I just keep to myself and don't feel like conversing with anyone in-game anymore.

I recently Hurt my back really bad in around Apirl this year, while picking apples/seasonal work, so Haven't really been able to do much of my normal life. Can't go for a run, can't train in Martial Arts and can't do anything else that removes me from a pretty bad headspace. Then A friend told me he was playing PoE so I decided to give it another go after like 5 years of not playing. He no longer plays and my younger brother quit playing aswell.

This game has been a good escape for me and my mindset until the start of this League where all of a sudden a huge wave of toxic bullshit popped up. Thought to myself to ignore it, Impossible. Turn on any stream in PoE the chats are full of toxic shit. Have a watch on YouTube scroll down to the comments, Nasty messages on every single video. Go to reddit to find helpful info, nope can't dodge the 50 bs topics with nasty toxic crap.

Its quite sad to see tbh. A video game where people should be able to have a good time has now turned into a complete mess.

Sorry for the long comment but just needed to say my something. Mad respect to people in the Public eye and to GGG for trying to atleast put out the fires. Sorry you all have to go through all this bullshit.
Last edited by InfiniteDuriel on Aug 12, 2021, 8:53:57 AM
Last bumped on Aug 12, 2021, 11:18:39 AM
Well, I usually feel empathy for a more understanding tone such as yours. And I really do for the devs. People easily forget how many caveats there are in creating 'a perfect game' and not destroying it in the process. Especially, since corporate world creates all sorts of pressures. You could argue (and I have) that their production cycle also consumes creative energy in a wrong way but, you know, if you're an employee -even if you're a head of a bigger company- an individual person actually might not have tools to change the culture and procedures of quarterly capitalism. That, and, we are all human. We make (all sorts of) mistakes.

Ofc in this case it is a tad worrying that they really don't seem to understand what their player base wants and why so many people have loved this game (and let's face it, all the hatemail also reflects their attachment to the game).

Besides, there are hungry children in Africa, so whatever happens to PoE won't really matter in that respect. I hope your back gets better, mate.
Last edited by vmt80 on Aug 12, 2021, 9:09:50 AM
Sorry for another topic like this but it is for much different things other than leaving because of the actual league and nerfs.

It Don't matter how pissed off you are, No one deserves death threats.

Not gonna lie I'm almost at the point where I'm going to uninstall PoE and not look back. All this toxic behavior is actually killing the enjoyment of the game quite a lot so I can imagine how the people in the Public eye feel.

Even in-game, turn on Global chat for even a second and all you see is spam of toxic bullshit, Ignore one person and 10 more pop up. I enjoy talking to people in online games, but now I just keep to myself and don't feel like conversing with anyone in-game anymore.

I recently Hurt my back really bad in around Apirl this year, while picking apples/seasonal work, so Haven't really been able to do much of my normal life. Can't go for a run, can't train in Martial Arts and can't do anything else that removes me from a pretty bad headspace. Then A friend told me he was playing PoE so I decided to give it another go after like 5 years of not playing. He no longer plays and my younger brother quit playing aswell.

This game has been a good escape for me and my mindset until the start of this League where all of a sudden a huge wave of toxic bullshit popped up. Thought to myself to ignore it, Impossible. Turn on any stream in PoE the chats are full of toxic shit. Have a watch on YouTube scroll down to the comments, Nasty messages on every single video. Go to reddit to find helpful info, nope can't dodge the 50 bs topics with nasty toxic crap.

Its quite sad to see tbh. A video game where people should be able to have a good time has now turned into a complete mess.

Sorry for the long comment but just needed to say my something. Mad respect to people in the Public eye and to GGG for trying to atleast put out the fires. Sorry you all have to go through all this bullshit.

You don't need to let any of that stuff get to you and ruin your enjoyment. I've personally never found much value in reading global chat, twitch chat or Youtube comments.

Forums and Reddit - just use them for specific info you want and find it with a search engine. No need to read all the other crap if you don't want to.

Reading and listening to all the bullshit is entirely optional.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Aug 12, 2021, 9:32:53 AM
That is very true it is optional to read. I found enjoyment out of memes and all that stuff so I use to scour the reddit just for some laughs, before this league it was not that predominate to see the toxic behavior. Now its on every single thread. There were only a few streamers that I tuned into and have made friendships with a few in the chats. Those chats have gone from been quite nice even just a few weeks ago, to quite a lot of hatred towards streamers/Staff at GGG)

(note: I haven't been gaming properly for like 5 years because of work and having to travel for, So don't really know if this is what is normally like, all I know is this 1 league has been the worst I've seen for toxicity and death threats and all sorts of carry-on. Its quite a turn off)

Anyway I'm pretty hard skinned and usually just brush it off, its just I Think built up over this last 3 weeks.

Like the other one says, much more worrisome things in this world than PoE just don't understand how so much hate can come into a video game. Times have changed I suppose.
Even in-game, turn on Global chat for even a second and all you see is spam of toxic bullshit, Ignore one person and 10 more pop up. I enjoy talking to people in online games, but now I just keep to myself and don't feel like conversing with anyone in-game anymore.

I made a post to help you out with this OP - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3164707

Hope you find it useful. :)

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