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[3.15] Cold Carrion Golementalist for Aurabot (Duo, ~10-20ex in 3.14) [WIP]

Is dead.Go here for successor:

This build is meant to be played with

Your job is the guide your golems to your enemies and don't lose you
Your golems do the damage and your aurabot will keep you alive.

3.15 Changes

Current character is "TodesFurieTheExplorer".
No more elemental ailment immunity, this will be taken off by the aurabot.
(At least the part inflicted by enemies. Not the ground effect.

Primordial Might is dirt cheap two weeks after launch:

Why this combination?

We tried zombiemancer and guardian aurabot in Ritual.
It was good, but not enough.
We failed the Feared and gave up on getting the hideout (=36/40)

Golemancer was a possibility, but the auras are handled by the other player and the elementalist qol is amazing (more golems, reflect immune, aegis, ele ailment immunity).
We switched from guardian ascendant for more skill points and the necro aura effect.
The golams use their leap to get way higher range than the zombies and their aoe skill clears small mobs really fast.

We got 36/40 in Ultimatum.
But we needed a maven service, since the memory game is way worse with two people.
But besides doing some conditional kills it was a breeze.

Is this a build for me?

You like

* having you golems eat through maps,
* having pets that search for enemies like crazy,
* being able to do every map mod (no regen needs mana flask),
* tanking a A8 Sirus meteor,
* freezing map bosses.

You can stomach

* lacking defenses when alone,
* animate guardian buffing enemy defenses when alone,
* spending more currency on the support,
* timed kill challenges being a pain in the donkey.


Ultimatum League (05/27/2021)

Gear and Gems

Current Setup (3.15)

Old Setup (3.14)

Animate Guardian

*Kingsmaker (after getting a good helmet and having a divergent quality AG)(you can use Limpsplit till then)
*Victario's Flight
* Eye of Malice (bad without aurabot curses and EE)




When doing challenges where you don't want to kill too early:

I want to spend more!

* Better cluster jewels.
* Better AG gear.
* +global gem level on weapon

Sources used

Von Vikton (gear, tree)
GhazzyTV (gear, tree)

This build is by far not optimized and feedback is welcome.


(05/27/2021) Initial release.
(04/08/2021) 3.15 Updates.
(07/09/2021) Linked current gear.
Last edited by Todesfurie on Nov 1, 2021, 5:04:40 AM
Last bumped on Sep 29, 2021, 10:54:41 PM
Todesfurie wrote:
This build is meant to be played with

Your job is the guide your golems to your enemies and don't lose you
Your golems do the damage and your aurabot will keep you alive.

Why this combination?

We tried zombiemancer and guardian aurabot in Ritual.
It was good, but not enough.
We failed the Feared and gave up on getting the hideout (=36/40)

Golemancer was a possibility, but the auras are handled by the other player and the elementalist qol is amazing (more golems, reflect immune, aegis, ele ailment immunity).
We switched from guardian ascendant for more skill points and the necro aura effect.
The golams use their leap to get way higher range than the zombies and their aoe skill clears small mobs really fast.

We got 36/40 in Ultimatum.
But we needed a maven service, since the memory game is way worse with two people.
But besides doing some conditional kills it was a breeze.

Is this a build for me?

You like

* having you golems eat through maps,
* having pets that search for enemies like crazy,
* being able to do every map mod (no regen needs mana flask),
* tanking a A8 Sirus meteor,
* freezing map bosses.

You can stomach

* lacking defenses when alone,
* animate guardian buffing enemy defenses when alone,
* spending more currency on the support,
* timed kill challenges being a pain in the donkey.


Ultimatum League (05/27/2021)

Gear and Gems

Current Setup

Animate Guardian

*Kingsmaker (after getting a good helmet and having a divergent quality AG)(you can use Limpsplit till then)
*Victario's Flight
* Eye of Malice (bad without aurabot curses and EE)




When doing challenges where you don't want to kill too early:

I want to spend more!

* Better cluster jewels.
* Better AG gear.
* +global gem level on weapon

Sources used

Von Vikton (gear, tree)
GhazzyTV (gear, tree)

This build is by far not optimized and feedback is welcome.


(05/27/2021) Initial release.
works for 3.15??
UcigaToaca wrote:
works for 3.15??

It works, sort of.
And we will use it for our 36/40 hunt.

I checked or combined PoB, it went from 3,0m to 1,8m per golem.
This should be fine.

The aurabot is still the same, no changes here. (Afaik.)
The elementalist lost his elemental ailement immunity, which is bad.

I think you can use stone golem as core minion instead, same damage with pob, but we will check this in standard later. (You need to level both, anyway.)

Level 76 now.... going for Shavs and Prism Guardian( darn is 1.2 Ex)
Expensive as ..well.

UcigaToaca wrote:
Level 76 now.... going for Shavs and Prism Guardian( darn is 1.2 Ex)
Expensive as ..well.

Always has been.:D
At least now the Primordial Might is cheap. (50c vs >1ex)

Consider this update as aurabot:
duplicate, sorry
Last edited by Curati on Aug 1, 2021, 8:53:00 AM
What Spectres would you recommend?
Last edited by Curati on Aug 1, 2021, 8:52:27 AM
Curati wrote:
What Spectres would you recommend?

Carnage Chieftain and Host Chieftain.
Charges on minions are insane:

For the third you can get anything you want, I think.

How's the build??
Still can be playable??

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