Regular crashes since Ritual

Hey there, NoxNothus. I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing crashes!

Could you please check to make sure that your Windows is fully up to date?

To do this, navigate to your Updates and Security settings:

Start > Settings (Cog) > Update & Security

Then, click "Check for Updates" twice (to make sure it doesn't miss any updates). Sometimes updates are considered optional and so it may say you are up to date despite having updates available.

To verify your version of Windows:

Start > Settings (Cog) > System > About

Then, scroll down to Windows specifications.

The current Windows version is 20H2. I hope that updating this is able to resolve the problem!
Hi there!

I apologise, but the Pastebin you have linked isn't loading. :( Could you try re-uploading it again, or putting it into a spoiler?

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