[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

I see some changes in warcries which are maybe useful. is there a possibility that we actually got buffed?
on the other Hand boneshatter did not get a huge nerf.

Maybe the weapon crucible tree will matter.
Interested in the viability of the build for the upcoming season.

Prolly will start a RF Jugg but at some point I plan on changing the whole build to something else, so would love to know if this will get updated or just forgotten until Melee is better as a whole.

Man I like slams.

Any chance of a updated PoB? Really want to play tecnonic this league
dmetal66 wrote:
After 4 entire leagues, I was finally able to make this build work.

So far I'll say is that,

- this build is not new player friendly
- it requires a lot of gear and skills to get it going
- it has high game knowledge and actions per minute requirement
- most of all, it suffers from being a melee build in PoE.

But damn, this is the best build I have played in the last 10 leagues!

I love One-shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain.

Thank you Jenno for the guide and the inspiration!

How are you finding the current version of your tectonic slam?

Curious as to how you made it work as well, definitely want to make this build viable again on my character.
Hi Jenno!
I saw chieftain rework announcement and immediately thought about this build which I loved when I played it in 3.13.
Do you plan to revisit and update this guide?
The new Tukohama, War's Herald ascendancy node looks perfect for this build.
Last edited by ar2ss on Jul 30, 2023, 6:05:02 AM
a 7 link of a medium strength support gem is definitely not strong enough =[
Lets hope for the patch notes to bring something juicy for this build. I'd love to play it again.
frawrst wrote:
a 7 link of a medium strength support gem is definitely not strong enough =[

I haven't played in a while and thought, wow an 8 link that's going to be awesome and one of these support gems doesn't work with slams :(
ar2ss wrote:
frawrst wrote:
a 7 link of a medium strength support gem is definitely not strong enough =[

I haven't played in a while and thought, wow an 8 link that's going to be awesome and one of these support gems doesn't work with slams :(

its possible the new tawhoa (the node before tukos psuedo links) interacts with slams and strikes in a very strong way, but so far this new ascend seems a bit rough
Last edited by frawrst on Aug 1, 2023, 3:02:35 AM
was this Build still the same in 3.21?
Would really love to try this

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