arctic armor + reduced mana

There is plenty of logic to AA not working with RM

RM reduces the cost of using a skill

AA is free to use

So 85% * 0 = 0


Of course the degen effect is UNRELATED to its mana cost to cast. And RM reduces the cost of casting a skill.

Working as intended
AA has no cost as mentionned already, it is only mana degeneration until you can't anymore.
No cost <=> nothing to reduce for RM.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz on Nov 28, 2013, 3:31:24 AM
Baron01 wrote:
There is no logic in Arctic Armor not working with Reduced Mana gem and/or Blood Magic.

+ more bullshit

have you even tried using arctic armor? it is an incredibly powerful defensive skill, and naturally you would have to make some sort of investment to run it. however when you get it running at higher levels your practically immune to some of the really dangerous mobs in the game (practically everything that shoots fucking fast dealing fire or phys dmg)

there is plenty of logic in it not working with bm or reduced mana. it has been intentionally designed to be a mana burner rather than a skill costing mana.
Baron01 wrote:
There is no logic in Arctic Armor not working with Reduced Mana gem and/or Blood Magic.

The logic is "GGG wants it this way"

It's a good thing for skills not to be "Just slap RMC/BM in it"
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir

I'm not sure they are suppose to work together. RMC lowers the mana multiplier, i.e. the mana cost. Arctic armor is a mana burn, the skill itself costs 0 mana to activate.

I take it the reduced mana and mana reservation passives won't work either?(I figure no, but curious anyways.)

Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
The mechanics is that the mana drain is a skill effect, not the skill's mana cost. The only modifier that changes this is increased effects of buffs on you (inner force and holy strength) and those increases the cost. There are no known ways to reduce this.

If reduced mana worked with it, everyone would be using it.
Wiki says it works as intended:

A Blood Magic support gem can be linked to Arctic Armour but it will reserve 0 Life instead of 0 Mana. Arctic Armour still drains mana when activated. Similarly, the Blood Magic keystone removes all mana and makes this skill unusable.
Mana Cost Multipliers, such as 150% from Increased Duration or reduction from Reduced Mana, do not affect Mana Drained or Mana Drained while moving.

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